"EBABİL KUŞLARI...." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 12:16:37 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Pisledi bir gecede,bir adam Kiliseye, Hristiyan Ebrehe,döndü birden deliye, Karar verdi hemence,yıkacaktı Kabeyi, Kısa zaman topladı,on binlerce askeri.
Vardı ordu önünde,Mahmut adlı büyük fil, Atlı,yaya askeri,vardı büyük küçük fil, Çıkanı tepeledi,ordu geldi Taif'e, Bir kısım askerleri,gönderdiler Mekke'ye.
Sürdü hemen ordusu,gasbettiler hayvanı, Abdulmuttalib Reis,iki yüz devem vardı, Ebreheye çıkıştı,yağmaladın devemi, Geri ver develeri,bu sana yakıştı mı?
Ebrehe vurdum duymaz,yıkacağım Kabe'yi, Kabe'den sözet bize,deven çokmu kıymetli, Reis söz aldı hemen,Vardır onun sahibi, Onu koruyan vardır,ben isterim devemi.
Geri verildi deve,yapıldı bir anlaşma, Mekke zayıf o zaman,çekildiler dağlara, Dayanmıştı Kabeye,Ebrehe'nin ordusu, Yıkacaktı çekerek,halat takıp da Onu.
Vardı Nüfeyl adlı,orduda bir kılavuz, Yaklaştı file hemen,seslendi ona mahsus, Ey Mahmut çök hemence,gitme sakın ileri, Girer iken Mekke'ye,yere yatıp direndi.
Kalkmıyordu yerinden,çöktü olduğu yere, Gökten yağdı ebabil,ağzında taşlar ile, Siccinden geldi taşlar,yaktı eti ciğeri, Kalmadı bir tek asker,hepsini deldi geçti.
Yazar idi üstünde,kim ölecekse belli, Öldü askerin çoğu,kimi yolda geberdi, Fil Ordusu dağıldı,yolda öldü Ebrehe, Kabe yerinde kaldı,dendi ona Fil sene.
This fact happened when the apostle was born, Ebrehe became governor, she believed in Allah, He was governor of Yemen, connected to Abyssinia, Five hundred and seventy AD, the Temple did it to Sana,
Huccac arrives at the Kaaba, nobody comes to Sana, The car was the ruler, the dream was in his mind. Kabeyi used to be jealous beforehand, Come here Huccac, adorned the Church.
One night he messed up, a man went to the Church, Christian Ebrehe turned suddenly crazy, He immediately decided, he would demolish the Kaaba, He collected tens of thousands of soldiers in a short time.
There was a great elephant named Mahmut in front of the army, There was a horse, a foot soldier, a great little elephant, The army came to Taif, They sent some soldiers to Mecca.
Immediately his army drove, they usurped the animal, Abdulmuttalib Reis, I had two hundred camels, He went to Ebrehe, you plundered the camel, Give back camels, does that suit you?
As soon as I hear the Ebrehe, I will destroy the Kaaba, Tell us about the Kaaba, your camel is very precious, The chief took the floor, There is his owner, There is someone who protects him, I want camel.
The camel was given back, an agreement was made, Mecca is weak then they retreated to the mountains, The Kaaba had endured, Abraha's army, He would demolish him by pulling and tying him.
There was a guide in the army called Nüfeyl, He approached the elephant immediately, called out for him, O Mahmut get down immediately, don't go ahead, While he was entering Makkah, he lay down and resisted.
It was not getting up, it collapsed to where it was, Ababil came down from the sky with stones in his mouth, Stones came from his hot, lit flesh liver, Not a single soldier left, they pierced them all.
He was a writer, whoever is going to die is certain, Most of the soldiers died, some of them died on the way, The Elephant Army disbanded, Ebrehe died on the way, The Kaaba remained in its place, it was told Elephant years.
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