DERDİMİ DAĞLARA TAŞLARA YAZDIM...Derdimi dağlara taşlara yazdım, Ne bir cevap geldi ne de ses geldi, Derdimi kazmayla taşlara kazdım, Her kazma vuruşta derdin yok dendi. Bu derdi Allahım sen bana verdin, Gonca gül isterken dikeni verdin, Nasibinde kulum bu vardır dedin, Her dua edişte reddoldu dendi. Gaibden bir ses geldi bu kaderinde, Çekilecek dert var etme gaile, Duana devam et nolur sabreyle, Menzile sonunda varırsın dendi. Sahibin ben isem kime şikayet, Sığın sen Allaha emre riayet, Asi olur isen çıkar cinayet, Her şeyin bir sonu oluyor dendi. Bu derdim benimle gidecek derdim, Derdimi en güzel bilen de bendim, Derdime yanarak kendimi yedim, Dertlerin bitmedi artacak dendi. Baki değil imiş dert ile gamlar, Baki değil imiş meyler, hamamlar, Netice insanı musalla paklar, Her derdin dermanı Mevlandır dendi. Bu canım oldukca dertler tükenmez, Dertler müsafirdir artar eksilmez, Müslüman cennete dertsiz giremez, Nefsini söndüren dertlerin dendi. Hüdayi yıllarca derdime yandım, Yandım da sonunda Allaha vardım, Cemalin görmektir asıl muradım, Her şeyden güzeli Cemaldir dendi.. 30.09.2018//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .................................................. WRITTEN DERDİMI ON THE MOUNTAINS ON THE STONES ... I wrote my troubles on mountains and stones, There was no answer or sound, I dug my sorrow into stones with a pickaxe, He said you don’t have a problem with every digging. This problem, God, you gave it to me You gave the thorn while asking for rosebuds, You said that this is my servant. He said he was denied every time he prayed. There was a voice in this fate, Do not be in trouble, Please continue your prayer with patience, He said you would finally reach the range. If the owner is me, to whom do I complain, Asylum, obey Allah’s command, If you become a rebel, kill it, He said everything is coming to an end. I said this problem will go with me, I was the one who knew my problem best, I ate myself by burning my pain, He said your troubles are not over and will increase. Sorrow and scales were not permanent, They were not always, but baths, As a result, people are pristine, He said the remedy for every problem is Mevlana. This dear does not run out of troubles, Problems are harmful, A Muslim cannot enter paradise without any trouble, He said of troubles that extinguished his soul. Hüdayi was in my trouble for years, I burned and finally reached God, Cemalin is my main intention to see, He said the most beautiful is Cemal .. 30.09.2018 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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