"ERKEK EVLAT...." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 12:47:39 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Olmuyordu çocuğu,uzun yıllardan beri, Hastanede yıllarca,neler neler denedi, Verdi onbeş yıl sonra,Mevlam çocuk onlara, Sevindiler günlerce,sevdiler doya doya.
Oldu bir iki derken,tam altıydı kızları, Evlat değil sanki kız,yüreği çok sızlardı, Ne olacak mallarım,kim bakacak ilerde, Olur bir şey miydi bu,konu komşu ne derde?
Çok istedi Allahtan,sallandı Arş-u Ala, Kulum sen sabret diye,karşılık verdi Mevla, Yok illa da olacak,erkek isterim illa, Bunu diyen sen misin,verdi evladı ona.
Tercih etti kızlara,oğlum canım diyerek, Ayırt etti evladı,tüm serveti vererek, Kim bilir ki ne olur,bilinmez ki ilerde, On tane oğlun olur,koymaz biri evine.
Oldu hayırsız çocuk,bulunmazdı böylesi, Terbiyemi o da ne!Edepsizin kendisi, Kan kusturdu çevreye,yaktı yıktı köyleri, Herkes beddua eder,Rabbim sen kır belini!
Oldu bir zalim Ağa, çıkmıştı insanlıktan, Gören insanlar derdi-Biraz Allahtan utan! Yaşlanmıştı babası,sözü geçmezdi ona, Başladı bedduaya-Rabbim onu yaşatma!
Neden Rabbim diyordu,yanlışım nerde oldu? Senden istedim evlat,layık gördün sen bunu, Geçmemişti aradan,bela verdi Yaradan, İbret oldu civara,ders aldı manzaradan.
İstemeli Allahtan,her işte hayırlıyı, Erkek olsun kız olsun,ayırt kayırt olur mu? Kim götürmüş dünyadan,bir gram dünyalığı, Yakışan müminlere,istemek hayırlıyı.
She hadn't had her child for many years What and what he tried for years in the hospital, Fifteen years later Mawam gave them the child, They were happy for days, they loved to the fullest.
When they said it was one or two, their daughters were six, Not a son, it was like a girl, his heart was aching, What will my goods be, who will look ahead, Would that be okay, what about the neighbor?
He sought God, the Arsh-u Ala shook, Mawla answered, saying, `` Be patient, my servant. No, it will be, I want a man, Is it you who said that? His son gave it to him.
He preferred the girls, saying my son dear, He distinguished his son, giving all his wealth, Who knows what happens, it is not known that in the future, You will have ten sons, someone will not put them in their house.
It happened, the child with no good, he would not be found like this, What is that my decency! He made blood vomit, burned down villages, Everyone curse, my Lord, break your waist!
He became a cruel Agha, out of humanity, People who saw it would say-A little bit ashamed of God! His father was old, he had no word on him, The curse has begun- My Lord, do not live it!
Why was he saying my Lord, where did I go wrong? I asked you son, you deemed it worthy, It was not past, the Creator caused trouble, It became a warning to the surrounding area, he learned from the landscape.
He should ask for the good in all things, Whether it is a boy or a girl, is it possible to discriminate? Who took away a gram of earth from the world, To the believers who deserve it, to want the best.
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