Duyulmasını istediğimiz bir sevgi mesajı iletmek istiyorsak, bunun gönderilmesinden başka çare yoktur. Bir lambanın yanmaya devam etmesini istiyorsak, ona sürekli gaz doldurmalıyız. (Teresa Ana)
"İSTANBUL ÇOK BOZULMUŞ..." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 12:43:47 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
[ italik ] İstanbul'da gezdim ben,dolaştım her bir yeri, Başka olmuş bu şehir,medeniyette ileri, Ayyaş olmuş insanlar,içki içer su gibi, İstanbul ölmüş sanki,bekliyor bir Fatihi.
Bozulmuş oğlu kızı,benzemişler Frenke, Farkı yok İstanbul'da,müslümanla kefere, Kilitlenmiş Mabedim,giremedim içeri, Camiler bomboş kalmış,girmiyorlar içeri.
Sokaklar dolu züppe,dağıtmışlar saçları, Hepsi takmışlar maske,yok yüzünde nurları, Utanma yok kalmamış,sokakda gezer böyle, Ar damarı çatlamış,çıplak gezer beyiyle.
İslamın adı kalmış,Kuran asılı evde, Fuhuş yolları sarmış,zina eder evlerde, Devlet açmış kerhane,teşvik etmiş milleti, Meyhaneler açılmış,içki içer hepisi.
Dikilmiş gökdelenler,camilerle yarışta, Açılmış cafe burger,helal boşa arama, Bozulmuş artık nesil,takmış kızı koluna, Anne baba kalmamış,herkes kendi yoluna.
Zengin kimi fukara,çalışır bütün bir gün, Yok olmuş aileler,olmuş hepsi kör düğüm, Her yer dolmuş mafyayla,parçalanmış insanlık, Sokaklar insan dolu, var satılık kiralık.
Şişli Levent Etiler,yine gördüm ezansız, Camiden yoksun şehir,manan yine plansız, Avrupa olmuş çoktan,çevirmişler Parise, Her tarafta açılmış,bir çok yeni Kilise.
Osmanlı yatar burda,kabirler dolu insan, Vuzerayla Padişah,makber dolu kabristan. Nur kaplamış her yeri,görüyor gören gözler, Bu zamanda insanlık,eski günleri özler.
Beyoğlu şeytan dolu,melek girmez sokaklar, Kim müslüman kim değil,şeytan melek kovalar, Kiliseler Havralar,kim giriyor bunlara, Geçti yine namazım,bir tek camii olsa ya.
Karaköy eski Bizans,kokmuş köhne surları, Açmış melanet yeri,satar Ayşe Fatmayı, Yeniden fetih yapsak,alsak şehri yeniden, Kan ağlıyor mezarda,ceddim Fatih kederden.
İstanbul’a nur yağar,hem gecede gündüzde, İstanbul İslambol’du,çevirmişler Paris’e. Ervah kalkar kabrinden,sıyırır kılınçları, Fatih elde kılınçla,açar Ayasofyayı.
I traveled in Istanbul, I wandered everywhere, This city has been different, advanced in civilization, Drunk people drink like water, Istanbul is as if dead, a conqueror waiting.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Her spoiled son's daughter, they resemble Frenke, There is no difference in Istanbul, with a Muslim, My Locked Temple, I could not enter Mosques are empty, they do not enter.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
The streets are full of snobs, they messed up their hair, They all wore masks, no lights on your face, Don't be embarrassed, it wanders the streets like this, With his artery cracked, naked traveling gentleman.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
The name of Islam remains in the house where the Quran hangs, Prostitution is surrounded by roads, adultery in houses, The state opened a brothel, encouraged the nation, The taverns have opened, they all drink.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Erected skyscrapers compete with mosques, Opened cafe burger, halal, don't search for nothing, Corrupted leftover generation, wearing her daughter on her arm, There are no parents left, everyone has their own way.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Rich some to the poor, work all day, Lost families, all are blind knots, With the everywhere mafia, shattered humanity, The streets are full of people, there are for sale and rent.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Şişli Levent Etiler, I saw it again without pain, The city lacks a mosque, the meaning is again unplanned, Europe has already been, they have turned Paris, Many new churches opened all around.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Ottoman lies here, people full of tombs, Vuzera with the Sultan, the graveyard full of makber. Eyes that see everywhere covered with light, At this time, humanity longs for the old days.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Beyoğlu is full of devils, the streets are full of angels, Who is not a muslim, the devil chases angels, Churches Synagogues, who enters them, My prayer passed again, if only there was a mosque.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
Karaköy old Byzantine, stinky and rickety walls, Opened the place of misery, sells Ayşe Fatma, Let's conquer again, take the city again, Blood cries in the grave, my heart, Fatih, from grief.
Ervah rises from his grave, peels off his swords, Fatih opens Hagia Sophia with a sword in hand.
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