"BEREKETLENEN YEMEK......" isimli şiir 16.7.2024 11:44:01 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
[ italik ] Resulullah aç kaldı,bir defa Medine'de, Taş bağladı karnına,açlık çok zor gelmekte, Yiyecek bulmak için,dolaştılar eşleri, Bulamadı orada,kuru bir tek ekmeği.
Gittiler Fatıma'ya,İstediler yemeği, Fatıma anne mahzun-Bende de yoktur dedi. Ayrılmıştı O Resul,henüz Fatma yanından, Bir tepsi yemek geldi,komşusu bir kadından.
Tencereye koydular,beklettiler bir süre, Tercih ettim Babamı,çocuklara ve kendime, Gönderdiler oğlunu,çağırdılar Resulü, Geldi mübarek Resul,getir onu önüme.
Fatıması getirdi,yemeği tencerede, Açtı baktı taama,biraz et,bir ekmek birde. Şaşırdılar orada,bu Allahtan hediye, Bu bereketti Haktan,komşu ona vesile.
Resulullah sordular-Fatıma nerden geldi? Fatıma okudular,Haktan gelen ayeti, O gelen Allahtandır,rızıklandırır sizi, Hesapsızca rızk verir,dilediği kimseyi.
Resulullah hamdetti,Ey benim güzel kızım, Hz.Meryem benzeri,yaratmış seni Rabbim, O da böyle söylerdi,gelen hep Allahtandır, Rabbim dilerse bizi,sonsuz rızıklandırır.
Resulullah gönderdi,Ali'ye çağır halkı, Yedi Hasan Hüseyin,eşlerle ehli beyti, Bitmedi duruyordu,bereketliydi yemek, Komşulara dağıttı,tükenmez etle ekmek.
The Messenger of Allah was hungry, once in Madinah, She tied a stone to her stomach, hunger is very difficult, In search of food, their wives wandered, He could not find there a single dry bread.
They went to Fatima, they wanted dinner, Fatima said the mother is sad-I don't have it either. That Messenger had left, yet Fatma was beside him, A tray of food came from a neighbor woman.
They put it in the pot, kept it for a while, I preferred my father to children and myself, They sent his son, they called His Messenger, The blessed Messenger came, bring him in front of me.
She brought Fatima, her food in the pot, He looked hungry, some meat, one bread and one. They were surprised there, this gift from God, This was blessing Haktan, the neighbor was instrumental to him.
The Messenger of Allah asked - where did Fatima come from? They read the verse from Fatima, He is from God who comes and provides for you, He gives sustenance without reckoning, whoever he wishes.
The Messenger of Allah praised, O my beautiful daughter, My Lord, who created you like the Prophet Mary, He used to say that too, it is always God who comes, If my Lord wills, He will provide us with eternal sustenance.
The Messenger of Allah sent, call the people to Ali, Seven Hasan Huseyin, their wives and their friends, The food was not over, it was abundant, He distributed it to the neighbors, inexhaustible meat and bread.
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