"MEHMEDİN KANI YERDE KALMASIN .." isimli şiir 31.5.2024 09:07:40 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
Edebiyatdefteri.com sunucularına yüklenen veya güncellenen şiirler web zaman damgası ile işaretlenir. Web zaman damgası ile işaretlenen şiirleri sertifika zamanında yer alan bilgilere göre doğruluğunu taahhüt eder.
Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Türkiye'min dört bir yanı yanıyor, Ağlıyor analar yürek dağlıyor, Kundakta yavrular kucak arıyor, Mehmed'in kanları kalmasın yerde.
Hüdayi Milletim duacı size, Şefaatçi Mehmet Vatan Millete, Şehidim kuzular emanet bize, Mehmed'in kanları kalmasın yerde.
What kind of geography suffering does not end, Problems do not go away when they multiply, Martyrs cry, Homeland is not divided, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
where is the station, where is Sinjar? Young saplings fell to the ground, Damn the one who martyred you, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
The old province of Iraq and Syria, Entrusted to us from my Ottoman Empire, The enemy has always been one, betrayal, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
Russian and English are traveling there, The treacherous plan is working in Syria, Martyrs write heroic epics, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
Missed Mehmedim Cihan is sleeping, Mehmet was martyred but he can hear, The prostitute's bullet hurts, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
Let the swamp dry, let the snake die, You are Gara, let's Kandil plunder, Let PKK and YPG disappear, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
Turkey burning one side of my dr, The mothers are crying, the heart is branding, In stock, the offspring are looking for a hug, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
Hüdayi Nation prayer to you, Intercessor Mehmet to the Vatan Nation, I am a martyr lambs entrust us, Let Mehmed's blood not be left on the ground.
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