Duyulmasını istediğimiz bir sevgi mesajı iletmek istiyorsak, bunun gönderilmesinden başka çare yoktur. Bir lambanın yanmaya devam etmesini istiyorsak, ona sürekli gaz doldurmalıyız. (Teresa Ana)
"YAŞAYIN GÜZELCE.." isimli şiir 3.7.2024 09:27:29 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
Edebiyatdefteri.com sunucularına yüklenen veya güncellenen şiirler web zaman damgası ile işaretlenir. Web zaman damgası ile işaretlenen şiirleri sertifika zamanında yer alan bilgilere göre doğruluğunu taahhüt eder.
Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Nafiledir dünya herkes ölecek, Burda çok ağlayan orda gülecek, Hüdayi Canlarım ecel gelecek, Sevabı doldur da yaşa güzelce.
Dostlardan inciler..
Görünce bir alil,seyirci durma, İnciten olursa, sen asla vurma, İmkânın el vere,kasıp kavurma, Muhtaca el tutta, yaşa güzelce...
Nurettin GÜLBEY
Mawam has given beauty to his servants, Do the prayers and live well, Our Lord has put the world under gold, Keep your fast and live beautifully.
If you know backbiting, interest, gambling are haram, If you say your roses do not be ungrateful, If you die without hassit, viciousness, betrayal, Give zakat and live well.
He said "Be my Master" and you were suddenly. You were hungry and naked, you were swaddled, Mom gave milk, you were full of blessings, Go to your pilgrimage and live well.
Is there anyone who is poor from me, If you have a comb, scratch your back, Those who have fuel spend the winter, Hold your tongue and live well.
Exquisite, the devil never stops spreading mischief, If a Muslim is heedless, follow it ignorantly, He cannot follow the devil, Know your soul and live beautifully.
Mawlam gave his blessings to everyone, The ungrateful person will be surprised The delusions of the devil are pleasant to the soul, Exorcise the devil and live well.
Reduce sin and leave the mosque, Do not look at the obvious haram in desolation, Do not leave the Word pleasant, Follow your Quran and live well.
The world is futile, everyone will die, Who cries a lot here will laugh there, My dears, death will come, Fill the reward and live beautifully.
Pearls from friends ..
When you see a Allen, beholder don't stop, If you hurt, never hit Give your opportunity, don't wreak havoc, Hold a hand in need, live beautifully ...
Nurettin GÜLBEY
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