"KEL YANINDA KABAK DENMEZ.." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 13:31:00 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
[ italik ] Kaderde ne varsa o gelir başa, Kader ağlamakla dönmez demişler, Karıncadan ibret al kışı karşıla, Kışın donmaz yazın yanan demişler.
Kalbin yolu geçer mideden, Kalem üstün olur daim keserden, Kanaatli zengin olur hemde bilmeden, Kadın müsrif ise onmaz demişler.
Kavun yata yata büyür tarlada, Keller ilaç bulsa çalar başına, Kedi serçe koymaz kanadı olsa, Kel yanında kabak denmez demişler.
Kalmaz aç kendi yağıyla kavrulan, Kargaya uyan baş çıkmaz topraktan, Kıratın yanında kapar huyundan, Kırk hırsız bir çıplağı soymaz demişler.
Kırk yıllık bir Kani olur mu Yani, Kısa günün elbet az olur kari, Kızını dövmeyen döver dizini, Kimse kabahati almaz demişler.
Kimse yemez başkasının rızkını, Kalmaz bu dünyada kimsenin ahı, Kişinin çektiği dili belası, Kalmaz mazlum ahı yerde demişler.
Komşu muhtaç olur komşu külüne, Komşuda pişen aş düşmeli bize, Korkunun faydası yoktur ecele, Körle yatan düzgün kalkmaz demişler.
Kuytu havayı çok severmiş kurtlar, Kuru lafla doymaz derler karınlar, Kuru ağaç ile yaşlarda yanar, Kusursuz dost asla olmaz demişler.
Whatever is in fate comes to mind, They said that fate does not come back with crying, Take a lesson from the ant, welcome the winter, They said that it does not freeze in winter but burns in summer.
Heart's path passes through the stomach The pen always excels, The contented person becomes rich without knowing it, They said that if a woman is extravagant, she will not repair.
Melon grows flat in the field, If Keller got some medicine, If the cat had a sparrow wing, They said that bald is not called pumpkin next to it.
Don't stay hungry, roasted with its own oil, From the dead-end soil that fits the crow, From his habit of habit next to the Kırat, They said that forty thieves would not rob a naked.
Would it be a forty-year-old Kani So, Your short day will surely be less, He who doesn't beat his daughter, beats his knee, They said nobody takes the blame.
Nobody eats someone else's sustenance, Nobody's sigh in this world, The trouble of the language of the person, They said the oppressed would not stay on the ground.
The neighbor becomes in need of the neighbor's ash, The food cooked in the neighbor must fall to us, Fear is useless to death, They said that a blind person cannot get up properly.
The wolves loved the cozy air very much, They say the bellies are not full of dry words, It burns in ages with a dry tree, They said there would never be a perfect friend.
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