Herkes hergün senin peşinden koşar,
Kimi fakir gece hayaller kurar,
Kimi kumar oynar kafayı bozar,
Şeytan aletisin sen lanet para.
Sabahın köründe düşerler yola,
Dikkat eder kimi düşmez harama,
Yoksa maazallah olur maskara,
Şeytanın yolusun sen lanet para.
İnsanın değeri bugün seninle,
Parasız fakirsen sıranı bekle,
Mezarda ölünce geçmen nafile,
Dünyanın pulusun sen lanet para.
Yıkıldı aile kalmadı saygı,
Babadan oğlunu para ayırdı,
Kardeş kardeşine kurşunu sıktı,
Ocakları yıkarsın sen lanet para.
Zengin olur adam,boşar hanımı,
Çıkar ikramiye bozar kafayı,
Tutamaz elinde bozar insanı,
Şeytanın ipisin sen lanet para.
Firavnı Karunu çıkarttın yoldan,
Vermedi zekatı Salebe Sultan,
Çok para dünyada büyük imtihan,
İmanı çalansın sen lanet para.
Azı karar çoğu zararsın para,
Versin hayırlıyı düşmeyin dara,
Hüdayi istemez şükür Allaha,
Cennete manisin sen lanet para.
You are the devil’s rope, you money ....
Everybody chases after you everyday,
Some poor night dreams,
Some gamblers go crazy,
You’re a devil dick, you damn money.
They hit the road in the dead of morning
Who pays attention to haram immediately,
Otherwise, I hope it will be a mascara,
You’re the devil’s way, you damn money.
The value of man is with you today,
If you’re poor without money, wait your turn
When you die in the grave, it is futile to pass,
You’re the scale of the world, damn money.
The family was destroyed, no respect left,
He took money from father to son,
Brother shot his brother,
You wash the stoves, you damn money.
Man gets rich, divorce wife,
Take the bonus out of the head,
He cannot hold him in his hands, he spoils people,
You’re the devil’s rope, you damn money.
You took your Pharaoh’s wife out of the way,
Salebe Sultan did not give alms,
A lot of money is the big test in the world,
You damn money steal your faith.
Less decision, more loss, money,
Versin good, don’t fall into tare,
He does not want the hoax, thank God,
You’re damn money to heaven.
13.10.2015 // KIRIKKALE
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