ALTIYÜZ DİRHEMLİK İP....Dul bir kadın vardı,yaşar idi Bağdatta, Altı öksüz çocuğu,vardı bir yaşlı ana, Geçimini sağlardı,ip eğerip satardı, Yaşlı anayla çocuk,hep eline bakardı. Tamam olmuştu vakit,dul kadın vefat etti, Bakımını çocuğun,yaşlı nene üslendi, Çıkamadı pazara,birikmişti iplikler, Altı yüz dirhem ip var,satılık onu bekler. Niyetlendi pazara,ver rızkı Hak Teala, Böyle dua ederek,erkenden çıktı yola, Giderken yolu düştü,Abdulkadir Geylana, Durakladı bir süre,selam verdi Sultana. Abdulkadir Geylani-Hoş geldin annem bize, Bir miktar ipliğim var,erzak alsam evime, Ver sen onu bizlere,ben satayım pazarda, Verdi mübarek kadın,sevindiler çok orda. Abdulkadir Geylani,attılar onu dama, Bir kuş kaptı hemence,uçtu gitti uzağa, Annem kızdı -Şaka mı,heder oldu ipliğim, Sultan-Merak etme sen,orası benim ilmim. Canını sıkma hatun,ipi sundum pazara, Gelir parası yarın,uğra verirler sana, Gelir yarında olmaz,parası gelmez henüz, Bir hafta sonra gelir,hatunda kalmaz beniz. Gelir heyet huzura,takdim eder bin altın, Gelenler tüccarız biz,bu A.Kadir Sultanın, Yolcu idik denizde,delindi yelkenimiz, Kaldık denizde hayli,ip bulursak dikeriz. Kaptan altıyüz dirhem,ip lazımdır bizlere, Yelkeni onarıp ta,kalmayalım denizde, Dua ettik Allaha,göndersin Sultan bize, Bin altın adak olsun,vereceğim kendine. Bir kuş geldi orada,peydah oldu denizde, Bıraktı gagasından,iplikleri gemiye, İşte bu altınlarım,adağımdır sizlere, Verdiler bir küp altın,yersiniz güle güle. İhiyar gelip sordu,-Param geldi mi noldu? Şeyh bin altın verdi,benimki karlı oldu, Yaşlı kadın zengindi,dua ettiler ona, Teşekkür edip hemen,erzak aldılar ona. 08.01.2014//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .................................... SIX HUNDRED DIRHEMLIK IP .... There was a widow, she lived in Baghdad, She had six orphans, an old mother, He would earn a living, he would bend a rope and sell it, The old mother and the child always looked at their hand. When it was okay, the widow passed away, He took care of the child, the old grandmother, He could not get to the market, the threads had accumulated, There are six hundred dirhams of rope, waiting for him for sale. It was intended to the market, give the sustenance to Allah, He set out early, praying like that, His way fell on his way, Abdulkadir Geylana, He hesitated for a while, and Sultana saluted. Abdulkadir Geylani- Welcome my mother to us, I have some thread, if I get supplies for my house, You give it to us, I will sell it in the market, The blessed woman gave, they were very happy there. Abdulkadir Geylani, they threw him on the checkers, A bird grabbed immediately, flew away, My mother got angry - Is it a joke, my thread became waste, Sultan- Do not worry, that is my knowledge. Don’t bother you chick, I presented the rope to the market, Income money come to you tomorrow, they give you The income does not come tomorrow, the money does not come yet, It will come a week later, we will not be bothered. The delegation comes to the peace, presents a thousand gold, We are merchants who come, this is A. Kadir Sultan, We were passengers in the sea, our sail pierced, If we find a lot of rope in the sea, we will sew it. Captain six hundred dirhams, we need rope, Repair the sail, let’s not stay in the sea, We prayed to God, let the Sultan send it to us, Thousand gold offerings, I will give to yourself. A bird came there, appeared in the sea, He left the threads from its beak, into the ship, These golds are my dedication to you, They gave a cube of gold, you eat it, goodbye. İhiyar came and asked, -What is my money? Sheikh gave a thousand gold, mine was profitable, The old woman was rich, they prayed to her, They thanked him and immediately bought him provisions. 08.01.2014 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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