ZALİMİN HASMI HZ.ALLAH....Çocukken teslim etti,onu Fakirullaha, İsmail Fakirullah,terbiye verdi ona, Çocuk İbrahim Hakkı,bir gün gitti çeşmeye, Bir zalim atlı geldi,itti onu tersiyle. Çekil bakalım çocuk,dedi sürdü atını, Köşeye sıkıştırdı,su testisi kırıldı, Uzaklaştı ağlayıp,geldi hemen Hocaya, Hocam bir atlı geldi,korktum geldim buraya. İsmail Fakirullah,bir şey dedin mi ona, Söylemedim bir şeyler,doğru geldim buraya, Çabuk git te söyle sen,bir şeyler söyle ona, Geldi çeşme başına,zalim atı tımarda. Bozmadı terbiyeyi,demediler bir daha, Dönüp geldi tekkeye,Hocası sordu ona, Söyledin mi İsmail,bir şey adamcağıza, Yok Hocam yapamadım,Hocası çok kızdı da. Sana diyorum çocuk,git ona bir şeyler söyle, Başında felaket var,gidip onu sen önle, Koşarak geldi ordan,hemen çeşme başına, Testiyi kıran zalim,ölmüş yerde yatmakta. Ordan varır koşarak,Hoca Fakirullaha, Üzülür orda Hoca,yazık oldu adama, Bir testiye bir adam,çok üzüldüm bu işe, Demedim mi evladım,gidip bir şeyler söyle. Anlamaz ordakiler,bilemezler hikmeti, Sual eder Hocaya,söyle olan biteni, O atlı adam geldi,zulmetti İbrahime, Mukabele etmedi,ısmarladı Yüceye. İşledi gayretullah,verdiler cezasını, Atından buldu adam,orada belasını, Şayet İbrahim Hakkı,bir kaç kelam etseydi, Zulme karşılık verip,hakkı ödeşecekti. 22.12.2014//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .............................................. ALLAH IS THE ENEMY OF THE WRONG .... He handed him over as a child to Fakirulla, Ismail Fakirullah taught him, Child İbrahim Hakkı went to the fountain one day, A cruel horseman came, pushed him with his back. Get off the boy, said he rode his horse, He cornered it, the water jug broke, He went away crying, came immediately to Hodja, My teacher, a horseman came, I got scared, I came here. İsmail Fakirullah, did you say something to him? I didn’t say something, I came right here Go quickly tell him, tell him something, He came to the fountain, his cruel horse in grooming. He did not spoil the training, they did not say again, He came back to the lodge, his teacher asked him, Did you tell me, Ismail, we will talk about something? No, my teacher, I could not, his teacher was very angry. I’m telling you boy, go tell him something Disaster on your head, go and prevent it He came running from there, right to the fountain, The tyrant who broke the jug lies dead on the ground. From there, running, to Hodja Fakirulla, Sorry there Hodja, it was a pity for the man A man for a jug, I’m so sorry for this, Didn’t I say, son, go and say something. Those there do not understand, they do not know the wisdom, He asks Hodja, tell me what’s going on, That man on horse came, persecuted Ibrah, He did not react, he ordered the High. He worked diligently, they gave his punishment, The man found his troubles there, If İbrahim Hakkı had spoken a few words, He would respond to the persecution and pay his right. 22.12.2014 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |