AĞIZDAKİ TAŞ....Hz Eba Bekir bir gün,Huzuru Saadette, Huşuyla sohbet dinler,Resulullah minderde, Geldi mescide bedbaht,karanlık ruhlu kimse, Yakışıksız sözlerle,dahletti Eba Bekre. Server-i Ekrem sustular,ona bir şey demedi, Mübarek sessiz kalıp ta,biraz tebessüm etti, Bedbaht durmaz konuşur,Eba Bekir durmadı, Zaruret miktar kadar,ağzından laf boşaldı. Resulullah kalktılar,ayrıldılar oradan, Eba Bekir anlayıp,yetiştiler arkadan, Ya Resul ona bir laf,demedin konuştukca, Kalkıp ayrıldın benden,ben lafı konuşunca. Fahri Alem buyurdu,Ya Sıddık duramadın, O sana dil uzattı,kızdın cevabı verdin, Melek gönderdi Allah,kovacaktı o zatı, Konuşunca o gitti,yerini şeytan aldı. Eba Bekir uyandı,konuşmam dedi asla, Dikkati çekmek için,taş koydular ağzına, Kim bir kelam ederse,düşünürdü çok defa, Tefekkür edip hayli,konuşur ondan sonra. Devamlı taşırlardı,ağzında Sıddık taşı, Sukut edip her daim,okur tesbih tahmidi, Söylemezdi kimseye,ne hayırdan ne şerden, Dünyalık laf etmezdi,O mübarek katiyyen. 23.10.2014//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ......................................... THE STONE IN THE MOUTH .... One day, Hazrat Eba Bekir, Peace is in Peace, The Messenger of Allah is on the mat, A miserable, dark-spirited person came to the mosque, With unseemly words, Eba Bekre included. Server-i Ekrem was silent, he did not say anything to him, Mubarak remained silent and smiled a little, He speaks as soon as miserable, Eba Bekir did not stop, As much as the necessary amount of words poured out of his mouth. The Messenger of Allah got up, left there, Eba Bekir understood and grew up from behind, What if the Messenger of God did not say a word to him, You got up and left me when I spoke. Fahri Alem said, Ya Sıddık couldn’t stop, He spoke to you, you were angry, you answered, Allah sent an angel, he would fire that person, When he spoke, he left, the devil took his place. Eba Bekir woke up, said never to speak, To attract attention, they put stones in his mouth, Whoever spoke a word, would think many times, He contemplates and speaks well after that. They always carried the Siddiq stone in her mouth, He always reads the rosary estimation, He wouldn’t tell anyone, neither good nor bad The world would not talk, he is blessed no. 23.10.2014 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |