Hörgücünde SepetiM. Mazhar Alphan (Turkey) hörgücünde sepeti -miş mış -ları bırak dedim hörgücünde sepeti örgüsü ışıktan şebnemi alın teri üretimden tüketime minneti yok kimseye güvencesi de dünyanın yükü altında çıkar kendini acılarını tek hörgüçlük sustum Ihr Höcker mit Korb Lass all das Vergangene! sagte ich. Ihr Korb hing auf ihrem Höcker, geflochten aus Licht. Ihr Tau ist der Schweiß ihrer Stirn. Von der Herstellung bis zum Verbrauch ist sie unter der Schwere der Welt Niemandem zu Dank verpflichtet. Mir wird das Schweigen zu teil, es ist so groß wie ihr Höcker. (Aus dem Türkischen übertragen von Serafettin Yildiz) M. Mazhar Alphan, born 1941 in Artvin, attended the Haydarpaþa High School, and graduated from Karl Franzens University in Austria (1968). His master thesis was "AT ile Türkiye Arasýndaki Anlaþmanýn Ýktisadi ve Hukuksal Yönden Analizi" (Economical and Judicial Analysis of the Agreement between the EC and Turkey). He worked as an assistant at Ýstanbul Technical University, Faculty of Machine (1969–71). After working at the Educational Department and Inspection Board of the Ýþ Bank, he retired in 1994. He founded and directed the Sürgün Publishing House. He is a member of the Turkish Authors Association and the Writers’s Syndicate of Turkey. His dossier of poems was praised at the Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Poetry Contest in1995. In 2002, he received the achievement award at the poetical contest held after the name of Mehmet Baþaran, with his book Yaþam Yankýlandýðý Yerden Sürer (Life Continues from Where It Echoes) and ranked second at the 40th free poetry contest organized in the 14th International Hacýbektaþ Free Poetry Contest. |