Annem iki yılım geçti sensiz yine,
Unutmam ki Annem, seni bir an bile, Gecemde gündüzüm,rüyam hep seninle, Olmuyor ki Annem ,sensiz her günüm çile. Anne de baba da insanın yakını, Yetim öksüz olursun onlar olmadı mı, En güzel evler, bana virane sanki, Geçmiyor ki Annem, günüm eskisi gibi. Mezarın yapılmış,çok güzel olmuş, Annem isterim ki, cenneti bulmuş, Rabbül Alemin cc, senden razı olmuş, Gülllerin açılsın, mezarında Annem. Bayramlar geçti bak, yine yalnız sensiz, Gecem sensiz gündüz,artık belli belirsiz, Hiç olur mu Annem, bir evlad annesiz, Hakkını helal et,bizlere sen Annem. Ne var ne yok Annem,yerin altında, Üstünde değişen yok işler yolunda, Rabbim rahmet etsin, bütün kullarına, Bizleri bekliyor ölüm her an pusuda. Gelmezsin bilirim,artık sen buraya, Gidenler memnun ki,dönmez dünyaya, Her kulun başına,gelir bu sırayla, Ölüm bir köprüdür,Cenneti Alaya. Yağmur kar yağar, ıslanır mısın Annem? Gece olur insan ,korkar aceba neden? Mezar çok karanlık,korkunç geceden, Korkuyorum Annem,inan ben ölümden. Rabbim acır cümle, mümin kullarına, Hüdayi der herkes, Cennetine vara, Dünya imtihanı, zor,her günü çile, Rabbim Gafur Rahim,acır kullarına. 11.10.2012//Kırıkkale Hidayet Doğan ....................................... MY MOTHER IS NOT WITHOUT YOU .. My mother, it has been two years without you again, I don’t forget that Mom, not even for a moment, I am day in my night, my dream is always with you It doesn’t work, Mom, every day is suffering without you. Both mother and father are relatives of people, You will be orphans, didn’t they happen? The most beautiful houses, as if they were ruined to me, It does not pass, my mother, my day is the same as before. Your grave is made, it is beautiful, I wish my mother found heaven, Rabbül Alemin CC, is pleased with you, May your gulls open, my mother in your grave. The holidays are gone, look, again, only without you, My night is day without you, now vague Will it ever be my mother, a child without a mother, Halal your rights, you my mother. What’s up Mom, under the ground, There is no change on you, things are fine, May my Lord have mercy on all his servants, Death awaits us at all times. I know you won’t come here anymore Those who go are glad that they do not return to the world, It happens to every servant, in this order, Death is a bridge, Alaya Heaven. It will rain and snow, do you get wet Mom? Night falls, people are scared, why? The tomb is so dark, from the terrible night, I’m afraid Mom, believe me, I’m dead. My Lord, pity the sentence to the believing servants, Everybody says hüdayi, come to your paradise, The test of the world is hard, every day is the ordeal, My Lord, Unwary Rahim, pity your servants. 11.10.2012 // Kirikkale Hidayet Dogan |