Yavuz Sultan Selim, aldı Mısırı,
Huzuruna aldı, Komutan Kutbayı, Orduyu pek çok sıkıntı verdiniz, Sonunda bize niye yenildiniz.. Hünkarım yiğitlik,cesaret bende, Lakin yenmediniz, bizi yiğitlikle, Ne yaptıysa, bize topların yaptı, Mağlubiyete sebep toplarınızdı. Sultan Kansu zamanı, biri geldi, Venedikten toplar, getirdim dedi, Devletliler aykırı dedi sünnete, Kılıç, ok kullan dedi Resule. Topu getiren dedi yaşayan görür, Bu memleket top atanların olur, Haklıymış adam bize,bağırırken, Dinlemedi kimse, onu haklı iken. Yavuz sünnete böyle bağlısınız, Niye topla karşı durmadınız, Sonunda yenilen taraf oldunuz, Kılınç geride top devri bilesiniz. 18.10.2011//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ..................................... NOW BALL REVOLUTION ..... Yavuz Sultan Selim took Egypt, He took the Commander Pole in his presence, You gave the army a lot of trouble, Why did you finally lose to us .. My sultan is bravery, courage in me, But you did not beat us with bravery, Whatever he did, your balls did to us, The cause of the loss was your balls. It’s time for Sultan Kansu, someone has come, He said that he can collect it from Venice. The states said it was against the circumcision, Sword, use arrows, said Resule. He who brings the ball said, he sees the living, This country will be the ones who can shoot the ball, He was right at us while yelling, Nobody listened when he was right. Yavuz, this is how you adhere to circumcision, Why didn’t you stand up against the ball, You have finally been the loser, You know, Kilinc is behind the ball. 18.10.2011 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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