Yazın soğuk,kışın sıcak ye,
Lokmaları iyi çiğne, Buğday,koyun,tavuk eti ye, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Acıkmadan yemek yeme, Doymadan iyice kalkma, Çeşit çeşit yemek yeme, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Ekşi yeme yaşlandırır, Tatlı mideyi kandırır, Tuzlu cildi kurutur, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Şişman isen hareket et, Zayıf isen buğday tüket, Uyumazsan süt içipte yat, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Her yıl kaplıcaya git, Hergün bol bol su tüket, Yediğine aman dikkat et, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Yemek yerken su içme, Banyoya aç iken girme, Buzlu suyu sakın içme, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. Ayakta su,sakın içme, Küçük abdestini tutma, Yünden başkasında yatma, Sıhhat en büyük nimet. 12.04.2011//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ................................. HEALTH IS THE GREATEST BONUS ...... Eat cold in summer, warm in winter, Chew donuts well, Eat wheat, sheep, chicken meat, Health is the greatest blessing. Eating without getting hungry, Do not get up before you are full, Eating various kinds of food, Health is the greatest blessing. Sour eating ages, Deceives the sweet stomach, It dries the salty skin, Health is the greatest blessing. Move if you are fat, If you are weak, consume wheat, If you don’t sleep, lie down drinking milk, Health is the greatest blessing. Go to the spa every year, Drink plenty of water every day, Be careful what you eat, Health is the greatest blessing. Drinking water while eating Do not go to the bathroom while hungry, Don’t drink the icy water Health is the greatest blessing. Water standing, don’t drink Do not hold small ablutions, Do not sleep in anything but wool, Health is the greatest blessing. 12.04.2011 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |