YALANCI DÜNYA..Ne biçim dünyadır hele bir bakın, Kimiler ağlarken kimi gülüyor, Kimisi uzayı ediyor yakın, Kimisi yayandır yalan dünyada. İçer de şarabın kılmaz namazın, Ramazan bayramda açmaz kolların, Günah diz boyunda asi kulların, Kimisi zalimdir yalan dünyada. Kimi yayan yürür yorar dizleri, Kimi uçaktadır görür Kenya’yı, Hayırsız evlatlar alırlar ahı, Kimi de yalnızdır yalan dünyada. Kimi iş beğenmez kimi bulamaz, Kimi aç açıktır hiç hastalanmaz, Kimi ekmek bulsa katık bulamaz, Kimi çok fakirdir yalan dünyada. Anayı babayı tanımaz kimi, Dışarıda yatar bilmez evini, Beklemez evinde gezer hep eşi, Kimi de gariptir yalan dünyada. Para için kimi katleder insan, Düşünmez ahreti bugün de lisan, Yalan gıybet haset ederler her an, Kimisi şeytandır yalan dünyada. Kimisi kasayla alır manavdan, Kimi çöpten toplar akşam pazardan, Arlanmaz utanmaz ar etmez kuldan, Kimi de gaddardır yalan dünyada. Her kul da nihayet varacak Hakka, Mezardır akibet gel güzel yaşa, Hüdayi der Canlar kıymayın Cana, Kimi de cahildir yalan dünyada. 20.02.2021//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ................................................ THE FLYING WORLD .. See what kind of world it is, Some laugh while crying, Some travel the world in the air, Some people lie in the world. Drink your wine and your prayer will not perform, Your arms will not open during Ramadan, Sin is knee-deep rebel servants, Some are cruel in the false world. Some people walk, tire their knees, Who sees Kenya on the plane, They take unprofitable sons ahı, Some are alone in the lying world. Some do not like work, some cannot find Some are hungry, never get sick, Whoever finds bread cannot find any additives, Some are very poor in the false world. Who does not know their parents, As soon as she lies outside her house, He does not wait, always wanders in his house, Some of them are strange in the lying world. Who murder people for money, The language does not think of the afterlife even today, Lie backbiting envy every moment, Some are devils in the false world. Some buy with a safe from the greengrocer, Some collect from the garbage in the evening from the market, He is not shameless, he does not beg Some are brutal in the lying world. Every servant will finally arrive in Hakka, The end is the grave, come live beautifully, He says Hüdayi. Do not kill souls, Cana, Some are murderers in the lying world. 20.02.2021 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |