Anadolu viran,bozkırdı her yer,
Yolları tozluydu,asvalt ne gezer,
Giyerdi çarığı,askerle nefer,
Şehirden farkı yok köylerin Emmi.
Tarlada sabanla,toprak sürerdik,
Şehire bahçeye,yayan giderdik,
Kuru ekmeğini ,hep yavan yerdik,
Şimdi herşey hazır köylerde Emmi.
Okullar birleşik,köyde okurduk,
Kara tahtalarda,tozu solurduk,
Defteri kitabı,zorlan bulurduk,
Akıllı tahta var köylerde Emmi.
Düvenle ekini,az mı yaymadık,
Samanı tınazda,yele yollardık,
Kağnının sesini,ninni sayardık,
Traktör var artık köylerde Emmi.
Ekinler tarlada biçilir günde,
Şehire bahçeye sanki düğüne,
Kalındır enseler göbekler önde,
Perhiz diyet yoktur köylerde Emmi.
Herkesin evinde arabası var,
Teknolojik her şey,ne ararsan var,
Çiftçim makinayla ,sütünü sağar,
Tembel artık herkes köylerde Emmi.
Boşanmazdı kimse ,ölene kadar,
Kötü bir söz etsen,polisi arar,
Erkekte kadında yok ki vefakar,
Güven hiç yok artık köylerde Emmi.
Silerdin defteri,yazardın tekrar,
Yoktu ki kitabı,yok bilgisayar,
Vardı kara önlük ,forma ne arar,
Serbesttir kıyafet köylerde Emmi.
Emanet yalan yok,yoktu ihtikar,
Söz senetti sizde,vardı itibar,
Komşular akraba,hep arka çıkar,
Akreptir akraban köylerde Emmi.
Baba atan yanında büyürdük,
Büyükler yanında evlat sevmezdik,
Dedeyi amcayı ,baba bilirdik,
Kardeş düşman artık köylerde Emmi.
Yoksul akrabanın,hatırı vardı,
Bayramda düğünde,herkes arardı,
Herkes birbirine,mektup yazardı,
Kimse aramıyor,köylerde Emmi.
Anatolia was ruined, everywhere was stepped,
The roads were dusty, asvalt is what travels,
He used to wear the hook, soldier and soldier,
The villages are no different from the city Emmi.
You plowed the soil in the field,
You would go to the city, to the garden, on foot,
You always eat your dry bread flat,
Now everything is ready in the villages Emmi.
Schools united, you used to study in the village,
On the chalkboards, you’d breathe the dust
Notebook book, you would find it difficult,
There is a smart board in the villages Emmi.
Do not spread your crop with confidence,
Hay in the hay, you send the mane,
You would count the sound of your paper, lullaby,
There are tractors in the villages now, Emmi.
The crops are harvested in the field in a day,
To the city, to the garden, to the wedding,
The necks are thick, the belly is in front,
There is no abstinence diet, Emmi in the villages.
Everyone has a car in their house,
Everything technological, whatever you are looking for,
My farmer milks his milk with the machine,
Lazy now everyone is Emmi in the villages.
Nobody would get divorced until they died
If you say a bad word, he will call the police,
There is no faith in men and women,
There is no trust in the villages anymore, Emmi.
You erased the notebook, you would write it again
There was no book, no computer,
There was a black apron, what to look for in a uniform,
Free dress Emmi in the villages.
Trust is no lie, there is no profiteering,
You have the promise, there was dignity,
Neighbors are relatives, always back up,
Scorpio is a relative Emmi in the villages.
You used to grow up next to your father,
You wouldn’t love children with grown-ups,
You knew grandfather, uncle, father,
Brother and enemy is now in the villages Emmi.
The poor relative had his mind,
At the wedding on the feast, everyone would call,
Everyone wrote letters to each other,
Nobody is calling, Emmi in the villages.
24.08.2017 // KIRIKKALE
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