- 1995 Okunma
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SEN şiiri ile ilgili sorulara verdiğim cevabı aşağıya alıyorum. Bunun şiirin anlaşılmasında kolaylık sağlıyabileceği inancındayım:
“SEN” başlıklı şiirde geçen ‘sırr-ı aşka ermelisin sen’ ifadesinin anlamının;
aşkın sırrına ermelisin sen olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
Mevzuuyu genişletmeden şairle ilgili bazı hususları hatırlatmakta fayda var.
UNESCO’nun adına yıl tahsis ettiği Yunus Emre hakkında kesin iddialarda bulunabilecek kadar bilgi sahibi değilim . Bu şiir 1970’li yıllarda yayınlandı.
O yıllarda öğrenci olduğum için, yeterince okuma yapamamıştım. Şimdi bile Yunus Emre’nin insan, tabiat, toplum, devlet, din, iktisat, adalet, savaş, barış, sevgi, nefret, baskı, hürriyet vs. hakkındaki görüşlerini doğru olarak bildiğimizi söylemek zor. Eleştirisi ise din düşmanlarını Hesab kalmazsam neredeyse yok gibi. Bir kaç uzmanının hafızasında yer bulmuş olabilir. Bir kere Che Guevara’nın bütün eserlerinin rahat bulunduğu Türkiye’de Yunus ve benzerlerinin bütün kitaplarını bulmak zor.
O zaman şiirde neden bahsettin diye bir soru akla gelebilir. Hakikat yukarıdaki gibi olsa da, bizimde okuduklarımız, duyduklarımız var. Hemen hemen her kitapçıda Yunus’a ait bir çalışma bulunabilir. Bunlar bilinen şiirlerinin tekrarları gibi olsalar da, insana genel bir fikir vermektedir.
Anladığım kadarıyla Yunus bütün semavi dinleri ve onun peygamberlerini tanımaktadır. Hz. Allah’ı ve Muhammed’i sevmekte ve saygı duymaktadır.
‘Su sırrı ne bilsin usanlar uyalar’, “ben Dost ile Dost olmuşam, kimseler dost olmaz bana”, ” aşkın ile avunurum, bana seni gerek seni”. ifadelerini kullanmıştır. Yunus ‘Dost’, “Sevgili”, "Çalap” gibi kelimeleri Allah. için kullanıyor. Kalbi Dostun, Çalab’ın evi gibi görüyor. Bu nedenle de kalp kıranları Allah’ın evini yıkmış gibi anlatıyor. Bir şiirinde " gönül Çalab ’ın tahtı / Çalap gönüle baktı / İki cihan bedbahtı / kim gönül yıkar ise" diyor.
Sevgisiz kalbi taşa benzetiyor. Kişi istediği kadar hacca gitsin, kalbinde sevgi yoksa, kalp kırıyorsa, "iki cihan bedbahtıdır" vurgusunu yapıyor.
Yunus sevgiden bahsetmiştir . Yalnız Yunus ’taki sevgi alımlı bir genç kıza duyulan sevgi değil, daha geniş daha kapsamlı sevgidir. Bu bağlamda "Güzeli görmek boylu boyunca / sizde bir türlü bizde bir türlü" demiştir. Yunus canlı cansız herşeyi Allah yarattığı için sevmekten yanadır. Bu eğilimini " yaratılanı hoş gördük / yaradandan ötürü" diyerek dile getirmiştir İnsana acı, ızdırap, rahatsızlık veren mahlukları ( yılan, akrep, yarasa - ki o insana zararlı sinekleri yiyerek beslenir - vs. gibi) dahi Allah yarattı diye anlayışla karşılar. Genç yaşta ölenlere üzülür, şöyle ifade eder : "Şu dünyada bir nesneye / yanar içim göynür özüm // yiğit iken ölenlere / gök ekini biçmiş gibi"
Yaratılmışların haklarını dikkate alır. "İlim ilim bilmektir / ilim kendin bilmektir / /Sen kendini bilmezsin / bu nice okumaktır // Okumaktan murat ne / kişi hakkı bilmektir / çün okudun bilmezsin / ha bir kuru emektir" der. İlim sahibinin kendini bilmesini, okuyan kişinin insan haklarına saygılı olmasını öğütler. Zalimlerin cezasız kalmayacağını hatırlatır, şöyle izah eder: "Burada zalimlik eyleyen / nefsini hırsla doyuran / yüzleri kara görürsün / öz canları rahat değil "
Politik bir amaç gütmediğini, savaştan değil barıştan yana olduğunu ifade eder. Yetmiş iki millete aynı gözle bakmayanın , evliya bile olsa kıymetinin olmadığını ima eder. Yazdıklarından dolayı kendini de uyarır: “Eğri büğrü” yani, yanlış, delilsiz , ispatlanamsyan sözleri söyleme/yazma " bir Molla Kasım ( dönemin hakimi)" gelip senden hesap sorar der.
Özetle ; yaratıkların mantıklı bir neden ve düzene tabi olduğunu, yeryüzündeki herşeyin insan yaşamını kolaylaştırmayı amaçladığını ima ederek "gelin tanış olalım / işi kolay tutalım" vurgusu yapar. Her şeyi Allah için sevmemizi, kavga yapmamamızı, kalp kırmamamızı tavsiye eder.
I am taking down my answer to the questions about the poetry of YOU. I believe that this can make it easier to understand poetry:
The meaning of the expression 'you must reach the secret of love' in the poem titled YOU;
you should reach the secret of love, we can say that it is you.
It is useful to remind some aspects about the poet without expanding the topic.
I do not know enough to make definite claims about Yunus Emre, for whom UNESCO has allocated a year. This poem was published in the 1970s.
Because I was a student during those years, I couldn't read enough. Even now, Yunus Emre's man, nature, society, state, religion, economics, justice, war, peace, love, hatred, oppression, freedom, etc. it is difficult to say that we know his opinions about you correctly. His criticism is that if I do not keep the enemies of religion to account, they almost do not exist. He may have found a place in the memory of a few of his specialists.
For one thing, it is difficult to find all the books of Yunus and his ilk in Turkey, where all the works of Che Guevara are comfortably located.
Then, a question may come to mind, what are you talking about in the poem? Although the truth is as above, we also have what we have read, what we have heard. A work belonging to Yunus can be found in almost every bookstore. Although these are like repetitions of his well-known poems, they give a general idea to a person.
As far as I understand, Jonah knows all the heavenly religions and their prophets. Hz. He loves and respects Allah and Muhammad.
He used the expressions 'Let the water secret know what the usans follow', 'I have become a friend with a friend, no one will be a friend to me', 'I will be comforted by your love, I need you'. Yunus uses words such as 'Friend', 'Dear', 'Steal' for Allah. He sees the heart as the home of 'Your friend, Çalab'. For this reason, he describes those who break hearts as if they had destroyed the house of Allah. In one of his poems, he says, "The throne of the heart of the Thief / The thief looked at the heart / The two worlds were miserable / whoever breaks the heart".
It makes the loveless heart look like a stone. Let a person go on pilgrimage as much as he wants, if there is no love in his heart, if he breaks his heart, he emphasizes that "two worlds are miserable".
Yunus has talked about love . Only the love in Yunus is not the love for an attractive young girl, but a broader, more comprehensive love. In this context, he said, "To see the beautiful throughout the height / you have it one way or another, we have it one way". Jonah is in favor of loving everything that is alive and inanimate because Allah created it. He expressed this tendency by saying, "We tolerated what was created / because of the creator." Creatures that cause pain, suffering, discomfort to man (snake, scorpion, bat - which feeds by eating flies harmful to man - etc.) genius meets with understanding because Allah created it. He grieves for those who die young, expresses it as follows : "To an object in this world / burns my soul, my essence // to those who die while being valiant / as if they had reaped the October harvest of heaven"
He takes into account the rights of created beings. He says, "Knowledge is knowledge / knowledge is self-knowledge / / You do not know yourself / how much is reading // What is the point of reading / a person is to know the truth / / because you have read, you do not know / ha is a dry labor". It advises the owner of knowledge to know himself, to respect the human rights of the person who reads. He reminds that the wrongdoers will not go unpunished, explains as follows: "You will see black faces who commit cruelty here / who feed their souls with ambition / their own souls are not at ease."
He expresses that he does not pursue a political goal, that he is in favor of peace, not war. It implies that he who does not look at seventy-two nations with the same eye, even if he is married, has no value. He also warns himself because of what he has written: crooked, that is, do not say / write false, unproven words, "Mullah November ( the judge of the period)" says he will come and ask you for an account.
In summary; he emphasizes "let's get acquainted / let's keep the job easy" by implying that creatures are subject to a logical reason and order, everything on earth is aimed at making human life easier. He advises us to love
I am taking down my answer to the questions about the poetry of YOU. I believe that this can make it easier to understand poetry:
The meaning of the expression 'you must reach the secret of love' in the poem titled YOU;
you should reach the secret of love, we can say that it is you.
It is useful to remind some aspects about the poet without expanding the topic.
I do not know enough to make definite claims about Yunus Emre, for whom UNESCO has allocated a year. This poem was published in the 1970s.
Because I was a student during those years, I couldn't read enough. Even now, Yunus Emre's man, nature, society, state, religion, economics, justice, war, peace, love, hatred, oppression, freedom, etc. it is difficult to say that we know his opinions about you correctly. His criticism is that if I do not keep the enemies of religion to account, they almost do not exist. He may have found a place in the memory of a few of his specialists.
For one thing, it is difficult to find all the books of Yunus and his ilk in Turkey, where all the works of Che Guevara are comfortably located.
Then, a question may come to mind, what are you talking about in the poem? Although the truth is as above, we also have what we have read, what we have heard. A work belonging to Yunus can be found in almost every bookstore. Although these are like repetitions of his well-known poems, they give a general idea to a person.
As far as I understand, Jonah knows all the heavenly religions and their prophets. Hz. He loves and respects Allah and Muhammad.
He used the expressions 'Let the water secret know what the usans follow', 'I have become a friend with a friend, no one will be a friend to me', 'I will be comforted by your love, I need you'. Yunus uses words such as 'Friend', 'Dear', 'Steal' for Allah. He sees the heart as the home of 'Your friend, Çalab'. For this reason, he describes those who break hearts as if they had destroyed the house of Allah. In one of his poems, he says, "The throne of the heart of the Thief / The thief looked at the heart / The two worlds were miserable / whoever breaks the heart".
It makes the loveless heart look like a stone. Let a person go on pilgrimage as much as he wants, if there is no love in his heart, if he breaks his heart, he emphasizes that "two worlds are miserable".
Yunus has talked about love . Only the love in Yunus is not the love for an attractive young girl, but a broader, more comprehensive love. In this context, he said, "To see the beautiful throughout the height / you have it one way or another, we have it one way". Jonah is in favor of loving everything that is alive and inanimate because Allah created it. He expressed this tendency by saying, "We tolerated what was created / because of the creator." Creatures that cause pain, suffering, discomfort to man (snake, scorpion, bat - which feeds by eating flies harmful to man - etc.) genius meets with understanding because Allah created it. He grieves for those who die young, expresses it as follows : "To an object in this world / burns my soul, my essence // to those who die while being valiant / as if they had reaped the October harvest of heaven"
He takes into account the rights of created beings. He says, "Knowledge is knowledge / knowledge is self-knowledge / / You do not know yourself / how much is reading // What is the point of reading / a person is to know the truth / / because you have read, you do not know / ha is a dry labor". It advises the owner of knowledge to know himself, to respect the human rights of the person who reads. He reminds that the wrongdoers will not go unpunished, explains as follows: "You will see black faces who commit cruelty here / who feed their souls with ambition / their own souls are not at ease."
He expresses that he does not pursue a political goal, that he is in favor of peace, not war. It implies that he who does not look at seventy-two nations with the same eye, even if he is married, has no value. He also warns himself because of what he has written: crooked, that is, do not say / write false, unproven words, "Mullah November ( the judge of the period)" says he will come and ask you for an account.
In summary; he emphasizes "let's get acquainted / let's keep the job easy" by implying that creatures are subject to a logical reason and order, everything on earth is aimed at making human life easier. He advises us to love