"SEYİT AHMET KARDEŞİM...." isimli şiir 19.12.2024 19:53:45 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Namazı Kuranı bırakmaz asla, Doğduğu gün vardı Hakkın yanına, Onu çok severmiş Hazreti Mevla, Bizleri çok üzdü benim kardeşim.
Otuz yaşındaydı gençlik çağında, Bir kızı olmuştu henüz kucakta, Ağlıyor Amine bakıp tabuta, Herkesi ağlattın benim kardeşim.
Kaderin önüne kimse geçemez. Azrail önüne perde gerilmez, Henüz erken idi asla denilmez, Kavuştu Rabbine benim kardeşim.
Doldu o gün cami lebaleb nasla, Hanımlar balkonda ağlıyor yasta, Böyle şey görmedi bu camii asla, Herkes seviyormuş seni kardeşim.
Güneşli bir günde koyduk mezara, Rabbim kusur varsa no'lur bağışla, Şehit oldun kardeş ekmek uğrunda, Serildi toprağa benim kardeşim.
Kalmadı kimseye bu fani dünya, Giriyor insanlar bir bir mezara, Okuyalım nolur birer fatiha, Rahmete kavuştu benim kardeşim.
Aynı mahallede uzunca zaman, İncinmedik asla hiç birgün zaman, Çay içtik elinden akşam her zaman, Sessiz bir dervişti benim kardeşim.
O günde erkenden bitirmiş işi, Namaza yetişmek imiş niyyeti, Kaldırmış gözünden Rabbim perdeyi, Allaha kavuştu benim kardeşim.
Ne dersek yanlıştır gelmiş eceli, Yatakta yatsa da ölecek belli, Takdir belli ama tedbir gerekli, Rızkını tüketmiş benim kardeşim.
Kimi sabi ölür kimi yaşlıca, Karında ölürde gelmez dünyaya, Herşeyde Rabbimin takdiri varya, Seninki de buymuş benim kardeşim.
Ağlattın bizleri herkes üzüldü, Arabalar sıra sıra dizildi, Günlerce gözden yaşlar döküldü, Herkesi ağlattı benim kardeşim.
Hakkım helal olsun bizlerden yana, Korusun mezarda Hazreti Mevla, Melekler kuşatıp yer açsın sana, Duamız seninle benim kardeşim.
Ahrette kabirde amel arkadaş, Namazı abdesti bırakmaz kardaş, Helal rızk yolunda gittin sen kardaş, Rabbime emanet benim kardeşim.
Hüdayi söz bitmez dua edelim. Kardeşi ahrete yolcu edelim, Hatimle Kuranla azık verelim, Nur içinde yatsın benim kardeşim.
Brother AHMET ....
We would call it Seyit Ahmet, It is as if the storm is in service to the Kur, My Lord loved him and took him with him, My brother went at a young age.
The grooves in the roof do not stand on him, For the sake of bread he pulled out without fear, It never works if it is cold or hot, My brother left the baby.
He never quits the Quran to pray, The day he was born was next to the Truth, Hazrat Mevla loved him very much, It made us very sad, my brother.
He was thirty years old in his youth, She had a daughter yet, He cries looking at amine and into the coffin, My brother made everybody cry.
Nobody can get in the way of fate. The curtain is not stretched in front of Azrael, It is never yet early, He met his Lord, my brother.
How was the mosque filled that day, The ladies are crying in mourning on the balcony, This mosque has never seen such a thing, Everyone loves you brother.
We put it in the grave on a sunny day My Lord, if there is any fault, please forgive, Brother became a martyr for bread, My brother was laid on the ground.
This mortal world is not left for anyone, People are entering a grave one by one, Let's read what a fatiha, My brother passed away.
Long time in the same neighborhood We were never hurt someday, We drank tea all the time in the evening, My brother was a silent dervish.
He finished the work early on that day, His intention to keep up with prayer, My Lord lifted the curtain from his eyes, God is my brother.
Whatever we say is wrong, the time has come, It is obvious that he will die even if he lies in bed Appreciation is evident but caution is necessary, My brother has exhausted his sustenance.
Some die old, some old, As soon as you die in the womb, My Lord's will in everything, This is yours, my brother.
You made us cry, everyone was sad, The cars were lined up, Tears were shed for days, My brother made everybody cry.
May my rights be halal on our side, Bless Mawla in the grave, May the angels surround you and make room for you, Our prayer is you and my brother.
Deeds are friends in the grave in the Hereafter, His prayer does not stop ablution, brother, You went along the way of halal sustenance, brother, I entrust my Lord, my brother.
Let's pray as soon as hüdayi promises. Let's send his brother to the afterlife, Let's give food with my hatim and the Qur'an, May my brother rest in the light.
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