"BAREĞE YASLANMIŞ MÜSELLİM KÖYÜ.." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 13:03:57 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Her sene beş on gün,kalmalı köyde, Bahçe sakin yeşil,huzur içinde, Havası çok temiz,benzer cennete, Bareğe yaşlanmış,Müsellim Köyü.
Bahçeyi sulamak,toprak çapala, Arıda,kuşlarda,bak Hakkı ara, Dört taraf yeşil,türlü manzara, Bareğe yaşlanmış,Müsellim Köyü.
Camisi yapılmış,çok güzel çini, Herkes yardım eder,hep hayır ehli, Çok güzel yapılmış,İmamın evi, Bareğe yaşlanmış,Müsellim Köyü.
K.Kale,Ankara,vesaiti var, İnsanları güzel,geçimi kolay, Her evin önünde,bol suyu akar, Bareğe yaşlanmış,Müsellim Köyü.
Çelebi Dağım var,büyük heybetli, İki zirvesi var,gayet hoş tatlı, Kızılırmak akar,sular tarlayı, Bareğe yaşlanmış,Müsellim Köyü.
A very old mountain village of Keskin, Muslim for years, full of Turks, Most of them are hardworking and devout, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
I have Barek Mountain, above the village New house built, instead of threshing, Generous people, who come to the village, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
There is Çelebi Mountain in the south, There is in the east, the beautiful Kaman, Four roads close to the road, right there, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
There is Konur, Armutlu, just north, Kepirli Tilki, to Köprü village, Karaagil Igneous, on the road, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
There are wheat, chickpeas, oats, lentils, Garden walnut, vaccine almond, The villagers call the passersby, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
They say welcome to those who come to the mosque, Those who come out of the mosque, they welcome, Quarrel is not humor, it is a peaceful place, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
Five or ten days a year, must stay in the village, The garden is calm green, peaceful, Its air is very clean, similar to heaven, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
Water the garden, hoe the earth, Look at the bee, in the birds, seek the right, Green on all four sides, various views, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
The mosque was built, very beautiful tiles, Everyone helps, always benevolent, Very beautifully made, Imam's house, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
K.Kale, Ankara, has a document, Nice people, easy living, In front of every house, its abundant water flows, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
I have the Çelebi Mountain, it is majestic, It has two peaks, very pretty sweet, Kızılırmak flows, waters flow the field, He is old to Baré, Müsellim Village.
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