"DERVİŞ MEHMEDİM..." isimli şiir 31.5.2024 09:28:26 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Kahpe kurşunlara dayar göğsünü, Düşmana her daim diker gözünü, Resule Allaha bağlar özünü, Aşıktır Rabbine derviş Mehmedim.
My soldier keeps watch for the homeland, I am a single soldier for the world, Mehmedim named him the Prophet, I am my Mehmed in one world.
Enemies cannot enter the homeland while you are there, Can't get scared and end once, Küffar cannot wrestle if he is united, I was my Mehmed in one world.
He never sleeps at the beginning of his watch, He does not close his eyes in the hot and cold, He makes prayers fast, does not make an accident, You do not have a spouse, you are Mehmed.
The victim is his love for the land, It does not bring anyone there memory, He pours his longing into a few lines, Mehmedim longs for the juvenile.
He always shed tears to his Lord, Faithful fears God, Take the will out of the absolute pillow, Poor Mehmedim is loyal to his debt.
Bitch leans her chest against bullets, He always gazes upon the enemy, The Messenger of God binds its essence, He is in love with his Lord, dervish Mehmedim.
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