"O AİLENDEN DEĞİL ..." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 11:58:28 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
[ italik ] Nuh Tufanında,sular kabardı, Dev dalgalar gelip, gemiyi sardı. Nuhun kafirlere, dost oğlu vardı, Ey oğlum gel diye, onu çağırdı
Oğlu dedi baba, çıkarım dağa, Nuh dedi ancak tek, Hak korur suya, Oğlu kapılmıştı, dev bir dalgaya Hz.Nuhun bu oğlu, boğuldu suda.
Üzüldü Nuh nebi, boğuldu niye, Dua etti Allaha, et şefaat diye, Ne de olsa oğlum,olsun benimle, Kıyamet Gününde,gelsin gölgeye.
Ateş sudan elbet, daha şiddetli, Ahiret azabı, çetin hiddetli, Allahım bizleri,korursun elbet, Nuh senin kulundur,yakarsın elbet.
Hz.Nuh(as) yalvardı, devamlı Rabbine, Yakma sen oğlumu, yarın ateşte, Bu oğlumdur benim,bana bağışla, Ey hakimi mutlak, yakma narında.
Allah bakmaz o gün, soyla soplara, Nice Peygamberin, ümmeti bir tane, Peygamber kızım, namazı geçirme, Benden o günde sen,fayda bekleme.
Hz.Allah cc.Ey Nuh, o ailen değil, Salih ameli yok, evladın değil, Benden sen isteme,olmayan şeyi Menederim burda,cehilden seni.
Nuh anladı hata, etti tevbeyi, Ey Rabbim bilmedim, sığındım dedi, Bağışla beni,yakma narında, Merhamet et bana,nolur bağışla.
In the Flood of Noah, the waters swelled, Giant waves came and surrounded the ship. Noah had a friendly son to the unbelievers, O my son to come, he called him
Father said his son, I will go up the mountain, Noah said but only, Right protects the water, His son was caught in a giant wave This son of the Prophet Noah drowned in the water.
Noah was sad, why did he drown? He prayed to God, for meat intercession, After all, boy, let it be with me, On the Judgment Day, let it come to the shadow.
Fire is stronger than water, of course, The torment of the hereafter, the fierce anger, God will protect us, of course, Noah is your servant, of course you burn.
The Prophet Noah (pbuh) begged his Lord constantly, Don't burn my son, tomorrow in the fire, This is my son, forgive me O ruler, absolute, in the burning pomegranate.
God does not look at the sticks that day, Many Prophets, ummah one, My prophet girl, do not pray, Do not expect any benefit from me on that day.
Prophet Allah cc. O Noah, he is not your family, You have no righteous deeds, not your children, Don't ask me for what isn't I'll banish you here, out of hell.
Noah understood the mistake, he made repentance, He said, O my Lord, I did not know, I took refuge, Forgive me, do not burn in your pomegranate, Have mercy on me, please forgive.
06.05.2011-Kirikkale HİDAYET DOĞAN
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