"TOPRAK DOYURUR.." isimli şiir 31.5.2024 08:38:24 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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[ italik ] İnsanoğlu doymaz yığar altını, Bir vadi olsa da bir daha ister, Beşinci dolsa da ister altıyı, İnsanın gözünü toprak doyurur.
Tabiat icabı düşkünüz mala, Dolar hep kasalar bakmaz fakıra, Zekat hayır bilmez ahrete kala, Zenginin gözünü toprak doyurur.
Akletmez ahreti akibet ölüm, Ahreti düşünen yapamaz zulüm, En büyük hakikat kabirdir gülüm, Cahilin gözünü toprak doyurur.
Dünya benim olsa burda kalacak, Zengin fakir orda farksız olacak, Çıplak geldik Canlar çıplak varacak, Zaninin gözünü toprak doyurur.
Kimi zengin burda kimi de fakir, Zengin kapısında çalışır sefil, Azgın fasık zengin kalbinde var kir, Fasıkın gözünü toprak doyurur.
Çalışana ilim malı Rab verir, Bilmez insanoğlu kendinden bilir, Zengin gafil olur isyana gelir, Gafilin gözünü toprak doyurur.
Cömert zengin varır elbet Cennete, Mahşerde sevabın almaz ki kefe, Camiler köprüler koyar geride, Bahilin gözünü toprak doyurur.
Altınla gümüşle dolarsa kasa, Ses vermez o kasa fağfur olsa da, Hüdayi fakirlik güzel olsa da, Fakirin gözünü toprak doyurur.
30.03.2021//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN OSMANOĞLU Tc.Kül.Bak.Halk Şairi Fağfur:Porselen
Mankind cannot get enough of gold, Even if it's a valley, he wants one more Even if the fifth is full, it wants six, Soil feeds people's eyes.
Naturally fond of trowel, Dollars don't always look at the cash registers for the poor, Zakat does not know no in the afterlife, Soil feeds the eyes of the rich.
The afterlife, the afterlife, the death, Cruelty who thinks about the hereafter cannot do, The greatest truth is my rose, the grave, Earth feeds the eyes of the ignorant.
If the world is mine, it will stay here Rich and poor will be no different there, We came naked Souls will arrive naked, Earth feeds the eyes of the man.
Some are rich here and some poor, He works at his rich door miserable, There's dirt in your raging wicked rich heart, Soil feeds the eyes of the mogul.
The Lord gives the employee the wealth of knowledge, Human beings do not know, they know themselves, The rich will be off guard and come to rebellion, The earth feeds the eyes of the heedless.
The generous rich will surely arrive in Heaven, In the judgment, your reward does not get the scales, Mosques put bridges behind, Bahil's eyes are full of soil.
Even though the vault is filled with gold and silver, Even though the soundless safes are frosty, Hüdayi even though poverty is beautiful, Soil feeds the poor's eyes.
Fağfur: Porcelain
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