Düşünür; yeniden düşünen ve şimdiye kadar üzerinde düşünülmüş şeylerin asla yeterince düşünülmemiş olduğu kanısına varan kimsedir. (Paul Valery)
"GELDİK BİZ CANLAR.." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 15:09:24 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Hüdayi der her asır asil Milletim, Cihana nam saldı benim Devletim, Adaletli oldu kadım askerim, Nizam alem için geldik biz canlar.
We did not come to this world in vain, Love people and live well, He fought fought, do not kill him, We came to this world once, souls.
Advice is good, one should keep it, What is this my God, the rebellion among the servants, The Muslim world is all miserable, We, souls, have come to be servants of the truth.
What is the devil's job to break the heart, Love is the life of the life, Let the divine voice beat in our hearts, We, dear ones, have come to prostrate.
Let hearts burn with love, My soldier waits for homeland at the border, If he stays, martyrs will not die, We came to give our lives, souls.
Grace comes to us from our Lord, Verse our Lord, strength on our knees, Merdoğlu mert souls call us, We, dear ones, came to die at the front.
Defending the homeland is our goal, If we see heaven and heaven ahead, The martyr's son is entrusted to us, We, dear ones, came to claim it.
We dug the seal of truth on stones, We passed the Turkish flag on the mountains, We wore the armor of courage on the backs, We souls have come to break the unbeliever.
Every century noble Nation says, Cihana became famous, my State, He became just, my female soldier, We came for the realm of order, souls.
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