"HAYALİME GEL ARTIK ANNEM.." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 14:44:56 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
Edebiyatdefteri.com sunucularına yüklenen veya güncellenen şiirler web zaman damgası ile işaretlenir. Web zaman damgası ile işaretlenen şiirleri sertifika zamanında yer alan bilgilere göre doğruluğunu taahhüt eder.
Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Seccaden duruyor nurdan kokunla, Dururdun namaza derin huzurla, Kaldıysam ayakta makbul duanla, Duanda beni de unutma annem.
Ne çabuk da geçti onca yıl hızla, Kalan yoktur derler yalan dünyada, Sıra bize gelir başka baharda, Vuslatım yaklaştı gelirim annem.
Hüdayi annemi özler yanarım, Anne annem diye kucak ararım, Yaşlılık deminde hayal kurarım, Hayalime uğra gel artık annem.
How many years have passed my mother, you still haven't come, I think you are happy from your place, my mother, Those who went with you returned from the expedition, I guess you didn't miss me, my mother.
Send a greeting to those who come and go, What is the obstacle to this, especially tell me, You reached the holy range, Happy in a dream, my mother.
Summers, spring and winters pass without you, Years, months, days vaguely You lie in your grave, sleep quietly, Don't forget me here too, my mother.
My longing increases with each passing year, My eyes search for you as I get older, Your place is empty, the children ask, Come once please, please my mother.
Our door is closed, nobody comes, The curtains were drawn, my light does not come on, Days and months pass, no caller, Wake up my light, my mother.
Your prayer rug stands with your scent of light, You would stop praying with deep peace, If I stayed standing up with your welcome prayer, Don't forget me in prayer, my mother.
How quickly all those years passed quickly, They say there is no remainder in the false world, Another spring comes to us I will come closer, my mother.
I miss my mother, I burn, I look for my mother as my mother, I dream of old age, Come to my dream now, my mother.
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