"Bella Bella came a with a rose" isimli şiir 3.10.2018 01:48:41 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
Bella Bella came a with a rose Bella and I moreever sea and villa Hold you as I hold the time The cold time is going to hot I am going to the future
Bella Bella present a nice rose Hold the sun, offer the happiness You are my case you are a human You are my love. Want to pick up the humanity
Thrill my desire, want to thrill you Came a beautiful rose in the your hand Lovely steadily I take care of you Lovely steadily take care of my life
Turn your head to me Touch me caressing To be or not to be selected Bella Bella, selected my love
Can I hold up you Can I keep you without dropping you? Years gone by and still It’s not easy to say I love you
Repairing of My worshiping heart, my nest, want to skill I wish There is an island İn dear’s heart There's an island in my dear’s cheek that protect me No losing Bella, No losing my dream, no losing the hope
Abdullah Bedeloğlu
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