"AÇIK YARAYA TUZ KONMAZ....." isimli şiir 16.7.2024 13:30:19 Edebiyatdefteri.com Web Zamanında Edebiyatdefteri.com Sunucularına Yüklenmiş/Güncellenmiştir.
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Detaylı Bilgi İçin Tıklayın.
[ italik ] Abdal ata biner bey oldum sanır, Aşa şalgam girer ,yağ oldum sanır, Abdal karnı doyar,gözü yoldadır, Abdalın her günü düğün demişler.
Acele işlere şeytan karışır, Acıkan karınlar hiç doymam sanır, Aç tavuk kendini ambarda sanır, Açık yaraya tuz konmaz demişler.
Adamın hası işte belli olur, Ağaçlar kurursa kökünden kurur, Arsız atın çiftesi yaman olur, Ağır giden dağlar aşar demişler.
Ağlayan çocuğa meme verirler, Ağlayanlar burda orda gülerler, Akıl için yollar bir olur derler, Allah bilir kullar sezer demişler.
Akacak kan varsa damarda durmaz, Ağlayanın malı hayırlı olmaz, Alim unutsa da kalem unutmaz, Allah gönle göre verir demişler.
Allahın bildiği kuldan saklanmaz, Altın yere düşse kıymetsiz olmaz, Aman diyen kula kılıç çalınmaz, Amel yoksa ilim boşa demişler.
Anası neyse kızı tıpkı odur, Anasız bir çocuk kanatsız kuştur, Arı bal alacak çiçeği bulur, Ariflere bir söz yeter demişler.
Arayan sonunda Mevlayı bulur, Acele edenler çabuk yorulur, Ava giden avcı bazen av olur, Ateş düşer yeri yakar demişler.
Abdal thinks that I am a horseback gentleman, Goes into turnips, thinks I'm fat, Abdal is full, his eyes are on the road, They called it wedding every day.
The devil is involved in the rush, Hungry bellies think I never get full, The hungry chicken thinks he is in the barn, They said salt is not put in the open wound.
Here's the man's figure, If the trees dry up, they dry up from their roots, The couple of the cheeky horse becomes fierce, They said heavy mountains exceed them.
They give breast to the crying child, Those who cry laugh here and there, They say roads become one for reason, God knows, the servants said that they felt.
If there is blood to flow, it will not stop in the vein, The property of the crying is not good, Even if the scholar forgets, the pen does not forget, They said that God will give according to heart.
It is not hidden from a servant who is known to God, Gold would not be worthless if it fell to the ground, A sword is not stolen for a person who says goodbye, They said that if there is no action, my knowledge is wasted.
Whatever her mother is, her daughter is just like that, A motherless child is a bird without wings, The bee finds the flower to buy honey, They said a word to the Arifs.
The seeker finally finds Mawla, Those who rush get tired quickly, The hunter who goes hunting sometimes becomes prey, They said the fire will fall and burn the place.
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