BEŞİKTEKİ ŞEHZADE FATİH...4Sultan Murat isterler,fethetsem İstanbulu, Merak etmekte Sultan,soracaktır mevzuyu, Tam sohbet esnasında,gelir ortaya beşik, Hacı Bayram bakarlar,beşikte Sultan Fatih. Nazar eder yatana,beşikteki Sultana, Hemen orada okur,sure İnna fetehna, Der okuyun Sultanım,o güzelim mısrayı, Şehzade doğduğunda,söylediğin kıtayı. Hayrette Sultan Murat,söylemedi kimseye, Ravza-i Muratta açan o gül-i Muhammede, Devam etti sözüne,izin varmı gazaya, Himmet beklerim sizden,feth nasip mi Murada, Daldılar tefekküre,o bunları sorarken, Müjde verdiler hemen,dediler daha erken, Sultanım siz ne de biz,onu görmeyeceğiz, Şu beşikte yatana biz dua edeceğiz. Aldılar kucağına beşikteki Fatihi, Gözlerine nazarla yaptılar ilticayı, Sevinçli Sultan Murat,baktı başka nazarla, Göz yaşları sel oldu,arşa dek dualarla. Sevindiler hazirun,ne mübarek hem veli, Hacı Bayram buyurdu,buna tahsil gerekli, Emanettir Mehmedim,Akşemsettin Kocaya, Karar verildi çoktan,Sultan durdu duaya. Hacı Bayram kaldılar,etti orada vaaz, Çok sevdiler ahali,Hak Peygamber kılavuz, Akın akın geldiler,Velinin sohbetine, Bir müddet kaldı orda,döndü eski yerine. 09.02.2016//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ......................................... FATİH ŞEHZADE IN BESIK ... 4 They want Sultan Murat, if I conquer Istanbul, The Sultan is wondering, he will ask the subject, During the conversation, the cradle comes out, They look at Hacı Bayram, Sultan Fatih in the cradle. Sultana in the cradle, Reads right there, sure İnna fetehna, Say, my Sultan, that beautiful line, When Prince was born, the continent you said. Surprisingly, Sultan Murat did not tell anyone, That rose-i Muhammede who bloomed in Ravza-i Murat, He continued his promise, is he allowed to gas? I expect Himmet from you, is it possible to conquer Murada, They contemplated as he asked about them, They gave good news at once, they said earlier, My Sultan, neither you nor we will see him, We will pray to the one who lies in that cradle. They took the Conqueror in the cradle in his lap, They made the asylum with the evil eye in your eyes, Joyful Sultan Murat looked with another eye, Tears flooded with prayers up to the throne. You are happy, you are both blessed and guardian, Hacı Bayram ordered that, it is necessary to get an education, It is safety, Mehmedim, Akşemsettin Kocaya, The decision has already been made, the Sultan stopped to pray. Hacı Bayram remained, he preached there, The people loved it very much, the Prophet the guide, They flocked to the parents’ conversation, He stayed there for a while and returned to his old place. 09.02.2016 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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