BUNLARDA İNSAN...Garip evde ölse bir duyan olmaz, Akraba kardeşler arayıp sormaz, Bayramda seyranda uğrayan olmaz, Gariptir evinde bunlarda insan. Çoluk çocukları sıcak evinde, Garibim uyuyor sokakta yerde, Hayırsız evlatlar koymaz evine, Yollarda yatıyor bunlarda insan. Maaşını verir Huzurevine, Hürmet eder her gün Müdür Beyine, Sırrına sahipdir düşmez dillere, Gözyaşı dökerler bunlarda insan. Geceler uzundur sabahlar gelmez, Karnı doymayanın uykusu gelmez, Tok açın halinden inan ki bilmez, Ölüyor acından bunlarda insan. Çamaşır bulaşık her gün yeniden, Amcalar hastadır yoktur götüren, Ekmeği bakkaldan suyuda gölden, Yataktan çıkamaz bunlarda insan. Kışın yağmur yağar çatısı akar, Çer çöpü toplayıp sobada yakar, Borusu tütmezse canları çıkar, Dumandan ölüyor bunlarda insan. Pazarın sonunda çöpleri deşer, Caminin önünde geleni bekler, Suriyeli olmuş inan derbeder, Dilenip el açar bunlarda insan. 08.02.2016//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ............................................. HUMAN IN THESE ... If the strange dies in the house, nobody hears it, Relative siblings don’t call and ask, There is no one who visits during the feast, It is strange that these people at home. Her children in her warm home, I am strange sleeping on the ground, He does not put unprofitable children in his house, People lie on the roads. He gives his salary to the nursing home, Every day he pays tribute to the Principal, It has its secret to tongues as soon as it falls, They shed tears in these people. The nights are long, the mornings don’t come, A person who is not full does not sleep, Open full, believe that he does not know, People die of pain. Washing dishes every day, Uncles are sick and take them away, His bread from the grocery store and the water from the lake, People cannot get out of bed. In winter it rains and the roof flows, He collects the garbage and burns it in the stove, If his pipe doesn’t smoke, their souls take off, People die of smoke. At the end of the market he digs the garbage, Waiting for those who come in front of the mosque, Believe he was a Syrian, People beg and open their hands. 08.02.2016 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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