HERKES YANDIM DİYECEK...Yarın kurulacak mizanla mahşer, Azaların şahit olacak kardeş. Şahitlik edecek gezdiğin her yer, Günahı işledi burda diyecek. Dilin susar orda konuşur ayak, Günahın çok ise gelecek dayak, Harama gittiyse el ile ayak, Ya Rabbi suç bende değil diyecek. Konuşacak gözle kulak sırada, İnkara kalkışma perde var orda, Filmin ekranlarda hepsi kayıtta, Yalan geçmez orda yaptı diyecek. Kimleri kırdıysan gelmiş mahşere, Kaçar annen baban senden habire, Alacaklın ister ver hakkım diye, Paran geçmez orda yandın diyecek. Namazdan sorulur ilk önce orda, Yok ise namazın bakmaz sonraya, Kabirde arkadaş namaz insana, Kabir sana boş mu geldin diyecek. Boş yere bahane geçmez orada, Akıl vermiş Mevla cümle kuluna, Çaresiz kalırsın naçar bakıp da, Herkes pişman olup yandım diyecek. Bu dünya yalandır gerçek ötede, Kardeş kıl namazı gel tevbe eyle, Fırsat elde iken gaflete düşme, Geçen zaman gelmez geçti diyecek. Dünya ahiretin tarlası derler, Dünyayı sevenler ziyan ederler, Burda ağlayanlar orda gülerler, Cümlesi pişmanım orda diyecek. 24.12.2015//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ............................................................ EVERYONE WILL SAY I WOULD ... Judgment with the trial balance to be set tomorrow, Your parents will witness, brother. Every place you visit to witness, He will say he committed the sin here. Your tongue stops talking there, the feet speak, If your sin is too much will come beating, If he went to haram, foot with hand, Ya Rabbi will say it is not my fault. With an eye to speak, ear next, There is a curtain over there, don’t get up, The movie is all on the screen, He will not lie, he will say he did it there. Whoever you offended has come to the apocalypse, Your parents run away from you, As your creditor want to give, He will say that your money will not pass, you burned there. It is asked about prayer first there, If not, your prayer will not look later, Friends pray in the grave, The grave will tell you if you came empty. There is no unnecessary excuse, Mawla has given his mind to his sentence servant, You will be helpless by looking at you Everyone will regret it and say I was burned. This world is a lie, the truth is beyond Brother pray, come and repent, Do not fall into heedlessness when the opportunity is at hand, He will say that the passing time has passed. They say the world is the field of the hereafter, Those who love the world waste, Those who cry here laugh there, His sentence will say regret there. 24.12.2015 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |