Mescitte Resulu Ekrem,oturuyordu yerde,
Cebrail geldi ona,başladılar söyleşmeye. Eshab sukut ettiler,dinlediler saygıyla, Meşgul orada Resul,Cebrail vardı huzurda. Selam verdi Hz.Ali,girdiler içeriye, Otururken bir yere,Osman geldi mescide, Geldi Hz Eba Bekir,Cebrail kalktı yerden, Resul ayağa kalktı,Eba Bekir girerken. Eshab hayret etti,neden ayağa kalktı? Halbuki Yüce Resul,kimse için kalkmadı, Sual ettiler Ona,Nedir bunun sebebi? Meraklandık iyice,tazim ettin E.Bekri. Gelince Eba Bekir,ayaktaydı Cebrail, Sordum hemence ona,bunun sebebi nedir? Dedi-Tazim vacipdir,Eba Bekir Hocamdır, Ona ayağa kalkmam,Hocam oluşundandır. Nedir Hocan olması,dedim Eba Bekire, Ademi yaratmıştı,mazide Allah celle, Emretti meleklere,secde edin Ademe, Hatıra düştü hemen,ben ondanım ilerde. Eftal yarattı Allah,o çamurdan ben nurdan, Kıyas yaptım şeytanca,bir farkım vardı ondan, Niyetlendim bu fikre,söz alacaktım birden, Eba Bekirin ruhu,seslendi köşk içinden. Arşın altında nurdan,bir köşkte onun ruhu, Açıldı köşk kapısı,çıktı dışarı ruhu, Dedi-Secde eyle de,sen muhalefet etme, Üç kere tekrar etti,arkama vurdu eliyle. Gitti kalbimden gurur,kalmadı haset ve kin,, Hemen kalktım yerimden,Ona secde eyledim. İntikal etti benden,enaniyet İblise, Secde etmedi ona,uzak oldu cennete. Melun dediler ona,düşman Adem oğluna, Ben kavuştum salaha,meleğe oldum Hoca, Eba Bekir Hocamdır,kılavuz oldu bana, Dünya ahret kardeşim,en güzel dosttur bana. 22.01.2015//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .......................................... HZ.CEBRAİLİN AS. HIS MASTER ....... In the mosque, the Resulu Ekrem was sitting on the ground, Gabriel came to him, they started talking. Companions paused, listened respectfully, The Messenger was busy there, Gabriel was present. Hazrat Ali saluted, they entered, While he was sitting somewhere, Osman came to the mosque, Hazrat Eba Bakr came, Gabriel got up from the ground, The apostle stood up, as Eba Bekir entered. The companions were stunned, why did he stand up? However, the Noble Messenger did not stand up for anyone, They watered him, What is the reason for this? We were very curious, and you complimented E. Bekri. When Eba Bekir came, Gabriel was standing, I immediately asked him, what is the reason for this? He said-Tazim is wajib, Eba Bekir is my teacher, I don’t stand up to him because he is my teacher. What is Hocan, I said Eba Bekire, God created Adam in the past, He commanded the angels, prostrate to Adam, The memory fell immediately, I’m ahead of him. God created an Eftal, from that clay, I from the light, I compared devilishly, I had a difference from it, I intend on this idea, I would suddenly speak The spirit of Eba Bekir called out from inside the mansion. Light under the throne, his soul in a mansion, The pavilion door opened, the spirit came out, He said, say Prostrate, do not oppose, He repeated it three times, hit my back with his hand. Pride in my heart is gone, there is no envy and hatred, I immediately got up from my place, prostrated to him. He passed down from me, faith to the İbl, He did not prostrate to him, he was far away from heaven. They called him Melun, the enemy Adam’s son, I met Salaha, I became an angel Hodja, Eba Bekir is my teacher, he became a guide for me, The world is the best friend to me. 22.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |