ÖMER BİN ABDÜLAZİZ HZ......Halifenin büyüğü,Ömer bin Abdulaziz, Kul hakkı arar idi,işlerinde çok titiz, Vardı iki kandili,Devletin biri kendi, Gece gündüz sadece,bir gömleği giyerdi. Tanıdık biri vardı,gönderdi ona elma, Biraz kokladı onu,gönderdi geri ona, Getirene dediler,buldu elma yerini, İtiraz etti görevli-Bu incelik de ne ki. Ey Müminlerin başı,gönderen bir yakının, Resul hediye aldı,niye onu almadın? Cevap verdi Halife,-Resuleydi hediye, Rüşvet olur gelenler,benim gibi birine. Valileri severdi,maaşı bol verirdi, Parası bol olursa,verir işe kendini, Vardı bir gün müsafir,tükendi kandil yağı, Müsafir der uyandırın,biraz koysun azaldı. Olmaz uyusun dedi,iki işi yaptırmam, Öyleyse ben kalkayım,yağı kendim koyayım, Müsafire gördürmek,yakışmaz yiğitliğe, Kalktı mübarek insan,koyup döndü yerine. Dedi aynı Ömerim,koyarken yağ kandile, Aynı Ömerim şimdi,geldim oldum Halife. Adalet hakim oldu,Ömer bin A.devrinde, İki buçuk yıl kaldı,şehid oldu zehirle. Kırk yaşında idi,çekemedi insanlar, Bin dinar para verip,bir katili tuttular, Yakalandı hizmetçi,dedi kaçıp da kurtul, Serbest bıraktı onu,ne de olsa o da kul. 22.01.2015//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .......................................... ÖMER BİN ABDÜLAZİZ HZ ...... The elder of the caliph, Omar bin Abdulaziz, The servant was looking for his right, very meticulous in his work, There were two lamps, one of the State was its own, She wore only one shirt day and night. There was someone familiar, he sent an apple to him, He sniffed it a little, sent it back to him, They said to bring it, the apple found its place, Objected the attendant-What is this delicacy. O head of believers, of a relative who sends, The apostle got a gift, why didn’t you take it? The Caliph answered, - The gift was a prophet, Those who come would bribe, to someone like me. He loved governors, and he paid plenty of salary, If he has plenty of money, he gives himself to work, One day there was a mufti, the oil of the candle ran out, Wake up a writer, put a little bit less. He said no way sleep, I won’t do two jobs, So let me get up, put the oil myself, To be seen as a guest is not suitable for bravery, The blessed man got up, put it and turned to his place. The same Omar said, while putting the oil on the candle, I am the same Omar now, I came to Caliph. Justice prevailed, in Omer bin A. He stayed two and a half years, became a martyr with poison. He was forty years old, people couldn’t take it, They paid a thousand dinars and hired a murderer, Caught the maid, said run away and get away He released him, after all, he is the servant. 22.01.2015 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |