İKİ KEZ ŞEHİD..........Peygamber Efendimiz,dönüyor bir seferden, Çocuklarla kadınlar, bekliyordu niceden, Hep bir ağızdan çınlar,Allahü ekber derler, Lebbeyk Allahım diye ,Rabbimi zikrederler. Gelenlerin içinde,Şehid Nevfel hanımı, Orduyu karşıladı,çocuklarla annesi, Bakıp arıyordular,yaşlı gözleriyle, Bulamayınca ağladı,geldi sordu Resule. Resule geldi anne,-Mübarek olsun Gaza, Nevfel nerede Ya Resul,onu göremedim de, Merhameti sonsuzun,yaş doldu gözlerine, Anne dedi hatuna-Oğlun Nevfel geride. Çok nemlendi gözleri,veremedi cevabı, Nevfel şehitti ama,ona dayanamadı, Resul havale etti,arkadan gelenlere, İşaret etti anne,-Oğlun bizden geride. Sordu muhterem anne,arkadan gelenlere, Dediler anne yoktur,bizden daha geride, Buldu hatun rastladı,Hz.Eba Bekir’e, Sordu Ya Eba Bekir-Benim Nevfel’im nerede? Anladı Sıddıyki Ekber,vermedi cevap kimse, Resul vermedi ise,nasıl vereyim anne, Düşündü dua etti,okudu ism-i azamı, Allah diye bağırıp,çağırdılar Nevfel’i, Anda geldi bir yerden,fırlatılmış ok gibi, Buyur Ya Sıddıyk beni,sen mi çağırdın dedi, Gelen şehid sahabi,Hazreti Nevfel idi, Annesi hanım çocuk,pek ziyade sevindi. Hz.Nevfel ra.yıllarca,yaşadı Medine’de, Katıldı daha bir çok,savaşlara gazveye, Nihayet şehid oldu,Yemame Cenginde, Şefaat edecektir,mahşerde hep bizlere. 06.04.2011//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .................................... TWICE CITY .......... Our Prophet is returning from an expedition, Children and women were waiting for so long, They always ring in one voice, they say Allahu akbar, They refer to my Lord, saying Labbeyk Allah. Among those who come, the lady of the Martyr Nevfel, Welcomed the army, mother with children, They were looking and searching, with their teary eyes, When he could not find it, he cried, came and asked Resule. He came to the apostle, mother, -Bless it be, Gaza, Where is Nawfal, Ya Rasul, I could not see him. Mercy forever, tears filled your eyes, Mom said to her-your son Nevfel is behind. His eyes got very moist, he couldn’t give the answer, Nevfel was martyred, but he could not stand him, The apostle referred to those who followed, Mother pointed, -Your son is behind us. My dear mother asked those who followed, They said there is no mother, far behind us, He found that the girl came across Hazrat Abu Bakr, Asks Eba Bekir- Where is my Nevfel? Siddiqi Akbar understood, no one answered, If he did not give the apostle, how can I give, mother, He thought, prayed, read ism-i azam, They shouted Allah and called Nevfel, Came from somewhere in the moment, like an arrow shot, He said, "Ya Sıddıyk, did you call me?" The martyred Companion who came was Hazrat Nawfal, The mother, the lady, was very happy. Prophet Nevfel lived in Medina for years, He participated in many more wars, Finally he was martyred, in Yemame Ceng, He will intercede, always with us in the Armageddon. 06.04.2011 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |