SULTANDIR SULTAN..Cennet sarayları yoldan görünür, Zevcelerin hemen yola serilir, Şeffaftır saraylar dıştan görülür, Cennetin Sarayı Nurdandır Nurdan. Dalında meyveler yerlere sarkar, Irmakları baldır süttendir akar, Suları bal gibi altından akar, Cennetin Irmağı Baldandır Baldan. Müminler oturur nurdan koltuğa, Açılır kapılar ardı ardına, Ne istersen anda gelir karşına, Cennette Huriler Nurdandır Nurdan. Cennette Huriler başlar tesbihe, Cennette çocuklar başlar zikire, Heran zikrederler Hakkı diliyle, Cennetin yolları Mercandır Mercan. Cennette yok yoktur herşey bulunur, Kalpler coşar orda zikre koyulur, Cemalin gösterir nasıl doyulur, Cennetin çiçeği Güldendir Gülden. Zevceler elinden içer şarabı, Selsebildir adı Cennet Şarabı, Gümüşten sürahi sunarlar anı, Cennetin şarabı Nurdandır Nurdan. Yakut ve inciden kadeh elinde, Nurdandır yüzleri zikir dilinde, Mümin aşık olur bakar Cemale, Cennetin Köşkleri Mercandır Mercan. Bitmez artık hayat ebedi Cennet, Mevlam biz kullara ikramı bol et, Hüdayi Kuluna Cennetin göstert, Cemalin görenler Sultandır Sultan. 02.04.2021//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN OSMANOĞLU Tc.Kül.Bak.Halk Şairi ............................... SULTANDIR SULTAN .. Palaces of heaven are visible from the road, Your wives will be on the road immediately, Palaces are transparent to be seen from the outside, The Palace of Heaven is from Nurdan. On its branch, fruits hang on the ground, Its rivers flow from calf milk, Its waters flow from gold like honey, The River of Heaven is from Baldan. Believers sit from light to seat, Doors open one after another, Whatever you want comes to you instantly, In Paradise, the Hurrians are Light from Nurdan. In Paradise, the Hurrians begin the rosary, Children start chanting in heaven, Every time they chant in the language of the Right, The ways of heaven are Mercane Coral. There is nothing in Paradise, everything is found, Hearts rise and chant there, Cemalin shows you how to get full, The flower of heaven is a rose. The wives drink the wine from their hands, Selsebil is called Heaven Wine, They offer a silver jug the moment, The wine of Heaven is from Nurdan, from Nurdan. A ruby and pearl goblet in your hand, Their faces are of light in the language of dhikr, A believer falls in love and looks at Cemale, The Mansions of Heaven are Mercury Coral. Life will not end anymore, the eternal Paradise, Ma’am, treat us slaves with plenty of treats, Heaven showed your Hüdayi servant, It is the Sultan who sees Cemal. 02.04.2021 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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