KORU YA RABBİ..Dünyada insanlar ebedi kalmaz, Rabbini bilenler günaha dalmaz, Cehennemi bilen uyku uyumaz, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. İyiler cennete kötü ateşe, Gafil insan oğlu ne bu telaşe, Yaptığın ameller gidiyor boşa, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Cümle salih kullar girer cennete, Arif abid canlar erdi nimete, Kulaklar işitmez gelmez hayale, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Dünyanın bin yılı değmez bir ana, Cennetin miftahı imanla haya, Günah ehli yanar girecek sonra, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Çok geniştir cennet kaplar her yeri, Dünya bir damlaysa okyanus gibi, Altından ırmaklar türlü nimeti, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Zümrüt gibi yeşil cennet bahçesi, Yakut elmas mercan gümüş köşkleri, Ne isterse verir kuluna Rabbi, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Cehennem hapsane bir ceza yeri, Kötü zalim Nemrut girecek bil ki, Yakıtı insan cin yanar tenleri, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. Cennetle cehennem kazan dünyada, Hüdayi der canlar güzelce yaşa, Koymasın kimseyi Rabbim ataşa, Cehennemden koru Rabbim sen bizi. 24.12.2019//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .......................................... PROTECT YA LORD .. People do not stay forever in the world, Those who know their Lord do not fall into sin, Whoever knows hell does not sleep, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. Good to heaven, bad fire, What an unwary human son, The deeds you do go to waste Protect us from Hell, my Lord. The righteous servants will enter Paradise, Arif abid souls end to blessing, The ears do not hear, the dream does not come, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. The world is not worth a thousand years, Life with faith, the miftah of heaven, Those of sin will burn, then enter, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. Heaven is so wide that it covers everywhere, If the world is a drop like the ocean, Rivers of gold all kinds of blessings, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. Green paradise like emerald, Ruby diamond coral silver mansions, His Lord gives whatever he wants, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. Hell is a prison place of punishment, Know that the evil tyrant will enter Nimrod, The fuel of human genius burns, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. Earn heaven and hell in the world, Souls say hüdayi, live well, My Lord, Ataşa, do not put anyone, Protect us from Hell, my Lord. 24.12.2019 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |