ÖMÜR BOŞA GEÇTİ..Bu dünyadan kimler geçti, Tarlasını ekti biçti, Evlat torun hep nasipti, Hepsini bıraktı gitti. Zalim oldu şehri yaktı, Şer cephesi ocak yıktı, Ehl-li Küfür bir odaktı, Hepsi de geberdi gitti. Güçlü olan Baki Allah, Zalimleri yakar mutlak, Burda zengin orda çıplak, Altun gümüş serdi gitti. Kraliçe Zalim kadın, Merkel desen ondan hain, Küfür ehli hepsi mel’un, Müslümanı yaktı gitti. Olur mu kafirde vicdan, Yoktur bundan ibret alan, Yahudi dünyayı yakan, Müminler ahrete gitti. Bu dünyada yalnız zulüm, İman Kur’an gelsin ölüm, Şehadet en büyük arzum, Şehitler cennete gitti. Kıyamet kopacak bir gün, Kabre koşuyorlar her gün, Filizler verecek sürgün, Arifler Rabbime gitti. Hüdayi söyler sözünü, Hakka bağladı özünü, Harama kapar gözünü, Bunca ömür boşa gitti. 07.12.2019//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ............................................... LIFE WAS WASHER .. Who has passed through this world, He sowed his field and reaped, Son and grandchild has always had the fortune, He left them all gone. It was cruel, burned and destroyed, Evil front destroyed by hearth, The People of Unbelief were a focus, All of them died. Baki Allah, the strong, He burns the wrongdoers, Rich here naked, Gold and silver are gone. The cruel woman the queen, Merkel pattern is treacherous from him, People of swearing are all of mel, He burned the Muslim and left. Does conscience in unbelieving happen? There is no one who takes lessons from this, That burns the Jewish world, Believers have gone to the afterlife. Only cruelty in this world May your faith come death, Martyrdom is my greatest desire, Martyrs went to heaven. A day when the doom will come, They run to the grave every day, Shoots will give shoots, Arifler went to my Lord. He speaks his word, He tied his essence to truth, He closes his eyes to haram, All this life wasted. 07.12.2019 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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