KALAN VARSA GÖSTERİN..Bu dünyaya gelip gülenler var mı? Hani nerde kimdir bana gösterin, Sonunda nedamet çekmeyen var mı? Murat aldım diyen varsa gösterin. Şu yalan dünyayı çiğnedim durdum, Derdime yandım da ağladım durdum, Koştum boş hayale boşa yoruldum, Hülyam oldu diyen varsa gösterin. Ne umutlar vardı hepsi boş imiş, Evi barkı yalan viran hoş imiş, Dünyalıktan baki bir kefen imiş, Kefeni giymeyen varsa gösterin. Kimler geldi geçti hepsi göçtüler, Ecel şerbetini bir bir içtiler, Onlarda akraba hısım eştiler, Eşi dostu kalan varsa gösterin. Kimler ne dert çekti kendisi bilir, Gülüp oynayanlar zevkini alır, Burda çok gülenler orda kavrulur, Malını götüren varsa gösterin. Hak emrin yarattı geldik dünyaya, Çocukluk gençlikte koştuk yollarda, Bir masalmış sanki hepsi bir rüya, Yaşlanmadım diyen varsa gösterin. Bahçelerde bağda ektim fidanı, Ellere bıraktım tonlarca malı, Bana kaldı canlar onun vebalı, Zekatın tam veren varsa gösterin. Hayatın nihayet geldik sonuna, Veda edeceğim evlat toruna, Hüdayi der Rabbim imansız koma, Dünyada kalan kul varsa gösterin. 08.04.2019//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ................................................. SHOW IF REMAINING .. Does anyone come to this world and laugh? Show me who is where, Is there anyone who does not regret at the end, If anyone says they bought Murat, show them. I trampled on this false world, I burned my pain and cried, I stopped I ran and got tired to dream, If anyone says it happened, show it. What hopes were, they were all empty, His house was lying and ruined, it was nice He was an enduring shroud from the world, Show if anyone is not wearing the shroud. Who came and passed, they all passed away, They drank the Ecel syrup one by one, They were also kinship wives, Show if the spouse remains friendly. Who knows what trouble himself, Those who laugh and play take their pleasure, Those who laugh a lot here are roasted there, Show if anyone who carries their goods. Your true order created, we came to the world, We ran the roads in childhood, youth As if it was a fairy tale, it’s all a dream Show anyone who says they don’t get old. I planted the sapling in the vineyards in the gardens, I left tons of goods in your hands Souls are left to me, his plague, Show if the zakat is the full giver. We’ve finally come to the end of life I will say goodbye to my grandchild son, Says Hudayi, my Lord is an unbelieving coma, Show any remaining slaves in the world. 08.04.2019 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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