GARİP ANALAR...Doğar da bir çocuk ağlar sızılar, Sunar memesini ona analar, Vermiş merhameti Yüce Yaradan, Verir yavrusuna sütü analar. Gelir beş yaşına hocaya gider, Çekip de besmele dua ezberler, Hocadan elif be te harfleri beller, Gönderir camiye hemen analar. Mektep sırasında anası bekler, Yedirir yemeği ağzını siler, Her akşam ona dualar eder, Hergün sabaha dek bekler analar. Ergen olur gençler girer havaya, Büküp de boynunu susmaz anaya, Herşeye karşılık verirler lafla, Haklısın diyerek susar analar. Gider de askere anası ağlar, Şehit olur Mehmet ciğeri yanar, Yavrum diyerekten feryadı basar, İki gözü çeşme ağlar analar. Gelince askerden keser kurbanı, Gezip hemen bakar bulur kızları, Çeker düğününde toplu halayı, Düğünü derneği yapar analar. Ayırır evini sever gelini, Gönüller bir olur keser ilgiyi, Ana baba olur kapı eşiği, Çekerler ya sabır artık analar. Olunca torunlar yüzleri güler, Arada gelince torunu sever, Birgün görmeyince nasıl da özler, Onları kapıda bekler analar. Yaşlanır anası gelir arada, Yoğundur işlerim bakma kusura, Çalınca telefon alır meşgula, Yavrusuna dua eder analar. Hasta yatar artık düşer yatağa, Onu çocukları korlar sıraya, Birgün birisinde birgün burada, Ölümü meleği bekler analar. Bakar da gözleri artık tavana, Evlatları gelmez yalnız odada, Su vereni olmaz ağzı kurur da, Emaneti teslim eder analar. Hüdayi analar dünya sultanı, Cennete götüren Hava limanı, Onu memnun eden görür Allahı, Cennete kılavuz olur analar. 07.05.2016//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ......................................... Strange parents ... A child is born and cries, She offers her breast to him, God Almighty has given mercy, She gives milk to her offspring. He comes to five years old and goes to the teacher, He memorizes the prayer to the basmala, From the Hodja, Elif beT te letters, Sends them to the mosque immediately. He waits for his mother during the school, He makes food wipe his mouth, He prays to him every evening, Every day, mothers wait until morning. Young people come into the air, She doesn’t bend her neck and keep her neck, They respond to everything with words, Mothers are silent saying you are right. He goes to the army and his mother cries, Mehmet becomes a martyr, his liver burns, He says, `` My child, ’’ he cries out, Both eyes are fountains, mothers. When he comes, he cuts the victim from the soldier, He wanders and looks and finds girls, Collective halo at Çeker wedding, The mothers make the wedding association. She separates her house, loves the bride, Hearts become one and cut the attention, It becomes a parent door threshold, They attract or patience is now mothers. When it happens, grandchildren laugh their faces, He loves the grandson when it comes to, How long he misses when he doesn’t see one day, The mothers wait for them at the door. She gets old and her mother comes, My work is busy, don’t look, I’m sorry, When the phone rings, he gets busy, The mothers pray to their offspring. The patient lies down and falls to the bed now, They keep her children in line, Someday someone is here someday The mothers wait for the angel to die. Her eyes now look at the ceiling, Their children do not come in the room alone, There is no water giving, but his mouth will dry, They hand over the trust, mothers. Hüdayi mothers are the sultan of the world, The airport that takes you to heaven, He sees God who pleases him, Mothers guide to heaven. 07.05.2016 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |