BABAM HACI MEHMET DOĞAN...B üyüğüm,sebebi vücudum,Allahın takdiri, A cılar içinde geçen uzun yılların sahibi, B abasını görmeden büyümüş,yetim misali, A bilerle büyümüş,salmış ekine tırpanı, M azide kalan,çileli yıllar,dertli yapmış babamı. H iç durmadan çalışmış,olmaz daha gayretli, A cılarını içine gömmüş ne kadar ,metanetli, C iddi,yalanı sevmeyen,müsafirlere açıktı eli, I stırap nedir,hastalık nedir pek bilmezdi, M uhammedi(sav) dört defa ziyaret etti, E fendimizin(sav) adı geçince titrerdi, H idayet oğlunu ,çocukları severdi, M utlumuydu,mutsuzmuydu bilinmezdi, E ski adamlardandı,sağlamdı toprağı, T alebe Yurtlarımızı da sever,namaza giderdi. D ünyada ele güne olmak istemezdi muhtaç, O rtak ederdi malına, sofrasını fakirlere açarak, G ülen yüzüyle,dükkana gelene çay ısmarlayarak, A ncak o kaldı kendisine,kabrinde açtı kucak. N afile kader çalışsanda, rızık belli mutlak. 13.08.2011-KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ................................... MY FATHER HACI MEHMET DOĞAN ... B member, the reason is my body, God’s will, Owner of many years in pain, He grew up without seeing his father, like an orphan, A sharpened crop scythe, Years of suffering, suffering, my father made me suffer. He has always worked hard, no way more zealous, How steadfast he has buried his pain, His hand was open to the disbelievers, who did not like to lie, He did not know what is stirap, what illness is, M uhammad (saas) visited it four times, He would tremble when our e fendi’s (saas) name was mentioned, H idayet loved his son, children, It was not known if he was happy or unhappy. He was one of the men, the ground was solid, T alebe also loved our Homes and went to prayers. The needy would not want to be hand in hand in the world, He would attack his property, by opening his table to the poor, With his smiling face, ordering tea to those who come to the shop, But he remained for himself, and he opened it in his grave. Sustenance is certain, no matter how much fate you work. 13.08.2011-KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |