Ununu elemiş,eleği asmış,
İşleri bitirmiş yatar emekli. Yaşını almış da,saçı aklatmış, Sineyi can özden yakar emekli. Maaşı eksilmiş,düşmüş yarıya, Ayı zor getirir fakir emekli. Her bir şeyi hesap eder dünyada, Gözünden yaşları akar emekli. Beklerler pazarda akşam üstünü, İnce eleyip sık dokur emekli. Tatil yapmak nerde karın tokluğu, Bayramda yollara bakar emekli. Sabahları erkenden kalkar yataktan, Camiye namaza koşar emekli. Ölümünü bekler hergün Allahtan, Mezarda yaşları döker emekli. Koşar artık hergün hayır işine, Cennetine girmek ister emekli. Maaşdan ayırır her ay sadaka, Fukara yoksula çeker emekli. Camide açıp da okur Kur’anı, Her ay bir kaç hatim yapar emekli. Kılar hergün mutlak kuşluk namazı, Tarlaya tohumu eker emekli. 26.10.2013//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ......................... RETIRED STATE 1 ... Sifted the flour, hung the sieve, He is retired who has finished his work. It has gotten its age and it has bleached the hair, Retired. His salary has fallen, he has fallen half, The bear brings hardly a poor pensioner. He calculates everything in the world, Tears flow from his eyes, retired. They wait for the evening in the market, He scrutinizes and retires. Where is the holiday fullness, Retired looks at the roads during the holiday. He gets up early in the mornings, Retired runs to the mosque to pray. He waits for his death everyday from God, Retired who pours tears in the grave. He runs to charity every day now, Want to enter paradise retired. Separates from salary, charity every month, The poor retire attracts the poor. He reads the Quran by opening it in the mosque, He retires a few hatims every month. He performs the absolute mid-morning prayer every day, The retired sows seeds in the field. 26.10.2013 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |