Düşünme artık,gel geleceği,
Başa ne gelecek,Hak bileceği, Yıllar hep geçiyor,acı çileli, Allah varken Dostum,bu gaylen niye. Yıllar geçti bak,hızla çabukca, Onca elem acı,kaldı bak sana, Kaderini bilsen,çekmezdin tasa, Allah varken Dostum,bu gaylen niye. Keşke işim şöyle,böyle olsaydı, Malım mülküm,artsa,değerlenseydi, En büyük sağlıktır,ah bilinseydi, Allah varken Dostum,bu gaylen niye. Kiminin oğlu var,çıktı hayırsız, Kimisi kocaya,kaçtı vefasız, Sanma tek değilsin,Dostum nasipsiz, Allah varken Dostum,bu gaylen niye. Zenginde ölürken,çekiyor acı, Malda evlatta bak,hepsi yabancı, Var mı bir amelin,sana duacı, Allah varken Dostum,bu gaylen niye. Kimse kalmayacak, bilsen dunyada, Mezarlık doluyor, her gun insanla, Onların da gözü, vardı burada, Allah varken Dostum, bu gaylen niye. Çok ölenler gördüm, yoktu kimsesi, Allah,Resul sevsin,bu en güzeli, Kabirde karşılar, Onlar bizleri, Allah varken Dostum, gaylen niye. 05.04.2011//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ............................... WHY GAYLEN WHEN THE HAZRAT GOD EXISTS....... Don’t think anymore, come the future, What will happen to him, He will know, Years go by, the pain is painful, While there is God, my friend, why is this gay? Look, the years have passed, quickly, quickly, All the pain is painful, look at you, If you knew your destiny, you wouldn’t worry While there is God, my friend, why is this gay? I wish my job was like this, If my property increased and appreciated, It is the greatest health, oh if it were known, While there is God, my friend, why is this gay? Someone has a son, it turned out to be no good, Some ran away to the husband, disloyal, Do not think that you are not alone, my friend is unlucky, While God exists, my friend, why is this gay? As the rich die, it suffers, Look at the wealth and the children, they are all foreigners, Do you have a deed, pray for you, While God exists, my friend, why is this gay? There will be no one left, if you only knew, The cemetery is full, with people every day, Their eyes were also here, While God exists, my friend, why is this gay? I saw many people who died, there was no one, May Allah love the Messenger, this is the most beautiful, They meet us in the grave, While there is God, my friend, why is it gay? 05.04.2011//KIRIKKALE HIDAYET DOGAN |