Tarihler hep kanla, yazılmış dünyada,
Irmaklar denizler, boyanmış kızıla, Zalimler hep zulüm ,yapmışlar halkına, Dersimler kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Yakın tarihim hep, yalan hep de dolan, Bilinmiyor nice,güller gibi solan, Zavallı bir halktı,zulümdü yapılan, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Devlet yaptı bunu,Halk Partisi başta, Dünyada Hitlerle,Stalin yarışta, Bunu yapanın hepsi, şimdiler mezarda, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Ölenin yananın,sayısı belirsiz, Sürgüne ,taşraya,yollanmış kimsesiz, Halk Parti tertipte, her zaman hep eşsiz, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Dersim tam bir zulüm,tam bir yara hicran, Kapanmayan yara,yıllarca sırıtan, Yüz binden fazlaydı ocağı yanıp, yakılan, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Sadece bu zulüm, değildi yapılan, Toplarla Rize, Halkıydı kuşatılan, Asıldı doğuda,bir kadın şapkadan, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Halkımız sahipsiz ,sürüydü güdülen, Jandarma,muhtardan, korkardılar hepten, Halk Parti ezanımı,Türkçe okutan, Dersim kanla canla, yazılmış toprakta. Dersimli Rizeli ,şimdiler mezarda, Tarih,yapılanlar, belgesi ortada, Kimseyi aldatma, foyanız meydana, Dersim kanla canla yazılmış toprakta. 01.12.2011//Kırıkkale HİDAYET DOĞAN OSMANOĞLU ................................ MY HISTORY IS ALWAYS FILLED WITH A LIE... History is always written in blood, in the world, The rivers are the seas, painted red, The oppressors have always persecuted their people, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. My recent history is always full of lies, Unknown beautiful, fading like roses, It was a poor people, it was cruelty, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. The state did this, the People’s Party at first, In the world, Hitler and Stalin are in the race, All who did this are now in the grave, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. The number of the deceased is unknown, Exiled, to the country, destined forlorn, The People’s Party is in formation, always unique, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. Dersim is a complete oppression, a complete wound, an embarrassment, Wound that does not heal, grinning for years, It was more than a hundred thousand, the hearth was burned and burned, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. Only this cruelty was not done, Rize with cannons, Its people were besieged, Hanged in the east, a woman from a hat, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. Our people were homeless, driven, They were afraid of the gendarme, the headman, People’s Party call to prayer, Turkish, Dersim live with blood, written on the ground. Rizeli from Dersim, now in the grave, History, done, document is in the middle, Do not deceive anyone, do not deceive, Dersim is written with blood and soul on the ground. 01.12.2011//Kırıkkale HIDAYET DOGAN |