GÜLME AĞLA GÖNÜL..Ahrette güleyim dersen, Cemalin göreyim dersen, Kevserden içeyim dersen, Gülme gülme ağla gönül. Nefis nankör isyan eder, Şeytan lain bühtan eder, Rabbim huzuruma gel der, Durma durma ağla gönül. Gözler ağlar kalp uyanır, Cümle aza nur boyanır, Menzile aşıklar varır, Gözyaşların çağla gönül. Burda gülen orda ağlar, Kalbine şeytanlar dolar, Zikrullah kalbi cilalar, Hak aşkına ağla gönül. Ağlasan da işin bitmez, Çok gülsen de gamın gitmez, Derdin artar yük eksilmez, Bağrın açıp dağla gönül. Zenginlerde isyan çoktur, Nankör insan şükür yoktur, Nasihat istersen budur, Günah terket ağla gönül. Gözden yaşlar aksın çağlasın, Yürek yansın kebap olsun, Rabbin huzura tez alsın, Uyan gel can dağla gönül. Sabır bineğine yaslan, Nefis şeytan büyük arslan, Dostum Kur’an oku uslan, Malın azalt ağla gönül. 07.07.2021//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN OSMANOĞLU Tc.Kül.Bak.Halk Şairi ............................ Laugh, cry, heart.. If you want to laugh in the hereafter, If you want to see your jamal, If you want to drink from kevser, Don’t laugh, cry, heart. The soul ungrateful rebels, The devil lain blasphemy, My Lord says come before me, Don’t stop, don’t cry, heart. Eyes cry, heart wakes up Sentence is painted with light, There are lovers in the range, Bring your tears, my heart. He who laughs here, cries there, Demons fill your heart, Zikrullah polishes the heart, Cry for God’s sake, heart. Even if you cry, you’re not done Even if you smile a lot, you won’t be sad, Your trouble increases, the load does not decrease, Open your heart and cry. There is a lot of rebellion in the poor, There is no ungrateful person, If you want advice, that’s it. Abandon heedlessness, weep, heart. Let the tears flow from the eyes, Let the heart burn, kebab, May your Lord rest in peace, Wake up, come, cry, heart. Lean on the mount of patience, Yummy devil big lion, Heart read the Qur’an, mind, Leave the world, cry, heart. 07.07.2021 // KIRIKKALE HIDAYET DOGAN |
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