CENNET SARAYINA GİRDİĞİN ANDA..Cennete girmişsin gönlün sevinçli, Ayakta uşaklar karşılar seni, Hizmetçiler sanki sedefte inci, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Hizmetçi Uşaklar dizilmiş yola, Gelip huzurunda el pençe dura, Yürürsün ortada sen ihtişamla, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Refakat ederler sana o yolda, Açılır kapılar perdeler anda, Seni ta’zim için bekler ayakta, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Saraya girersin her yer güzellik, Bostanları nefis bahçesi şenlik, Her yerden yayılır gelir esenlik, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Hizmetçiler koşup müjde verirler, Zevcene müjdeler:-Dost geldi derler, Yataktan fırlayıp görmek isterler, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Yıllardır hasretle özlemle bekler, Sevinçten kapıya koşup gelirler, Nazlı bebek gibi ne de güzeller, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Çehreleri güzel ziynet döşenmiş, Nazlı vucutları nurla bezenmiş, Saray kapısında seni beklermiş, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. Cennette zevceler bekler Sarayda, Başını uzatır benziyor aya, Hüdayi Ey Rabbim nasip et bana, Cennet Sarayına girdiğin anda. 09.12.2020//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ............................................................. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER THE PARADISE PALACE .. You entered heaven, your heart is happy, You are standing by the henchmen, Servants as if pearl in mother-of-pearl, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. Servant Servants lined the road, Come and stand hand in hand in your presence, You walk in the middle with splendor, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. They accompany you on that road, At the opening doors, curtains, He awaits you for my tat, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. You enter the palace, everywhere is beauty, Its gardens are beautiful garden festivals, Peace spreads from everywhere, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. The servants run and give good news, Good news to the wife: - They say the friend came, They want to jump out of bed and see As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. He has been waiting with longing for years, They come running to the door with joy, How beautiful they are like a coy baby, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. Their faces are decorated with beautiful ornaments, Nazli bodies are decorated with light, He waits for you at the palace gate, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. In paradise wives await in the palace, It looks like the moon stretches its head, O my Lord, give me a grant, As soon as you enter the Heaven Palace. 09.12.2020 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |