İçki içen çıkar dinden,
Kalbi arınmaz ki kirden, Gafil olur içki içen, İçki kötülüğün başı. Alışırlar kötü ile, Namaz oruç hak getire, Ölür ise döner leşe, İçki fenalığın başı. Trafikte yolu vermez, Bir gün olsun ayık gezmez, İyi kötü yanlış seçmez, İçki cehaletin başı. Akıl fikir çıkar baştan, Çocuk olur onla akran, Ciğer böbrek hep perişan, İçki hastalığın başı. Azı çoğu hepsi haram, Ailede çoktur dram, İçki kokar buram buram, İçki şeytanlığın başı. Rabbim haram kıldı onu, Mevlam ondan bizi koru, Hayırsızdır kızı oğlu, İçki murdarlığın başı. Kur’an bilmez zikir bilmez, Abdest alsa kiri gitmez, Şeytandan izinsiz gitmez, İçki günahların başı. İçki imansız öldürür, Şeytan cinleri güldürür, Hüdayi nurun söndürür, İçki habislerin başı. 04.04.2019//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .................................................. CAYDI THIS WORLD .. This world is a lie, I just understood I realized wasted I ran into a mirage to dream, This world has dishonored me. I spent so many years in vain I wouldn’t call it cold, I would wait for the moon I ran for sustenance and prayed, This world has taken off my back. I did not read a book, I did not know wisdom, Awliya was not enough in her hand, I said my property is my property, I did not go to the road This world stopped when I said I will arrive. I ran after him too much, I couldn’t keep up I used to say thorns while the hands love roses, I had vain dreams i had nightmares This world was the moon when I said I slept well. His conversation was lie, his word was fake, I thought gold as soon as it passes, Your poison has shown well on the tray, He made spells, and this world was crazy. Many have lowered the deep well He fell asleep on the way of heedless, The wedding dress drew the girls to the river This world has burned many stoves. He snatches up every comer and makes plans, He hunts children and young people by surprise, The cat plays games like a mouse, This world gave a slap of ignorance. The world says trick, let go of it, I got the game, I broke the plan The world is a market with a shroud shawl, This world threw everyone to the grave. 06.04.2019 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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