BENİM ÜLKEMDE...Ehil olmayanlar hep başa kondu, Yalaka insanlar makamı aldı, Devletin malında hırsız çoğaldı, Arsız işe girdi benim ülkemde. Köylerim boşaldı yaylalar kaldı, Sahipsiz sürüye kurtlar dadandı, Ermeni PKK silaha doydu, Komşumuz İsrail bugün ülkemde. Suç değil zina artık ülkemde, Serbest hınzır eti kasap vitrinde, Evlad-ı müslüman bilmeden yerde, Dinsiz plan işler bugün ülkemde. Dinler diyalogu henüz bitmedi, Fetö’nün planı geri tepmedi, İmamla papazlar birlik eyledi, Dolar hakim oldu benim ülkemde. Bozuk ekonomi düşmez ateşi, Trump alçağının domuzdur leşi, Türkiyeme karşı birlik hepisi, Hainler boş durmaz bugün ülkemde. Hınzırla beslendi oğlanla kızı, Sahili doldurdu genci yaşlısı, Altında donu yok çıplak hepisi, Neslimi bozdular benim ülkemde. Bozuldu Diyanet Hoca bozuldu, Millete Kürsüden tuzaklar kurdu, Mezhepsiz Hocalar ekrana doldu, Din gariptir bugün benim ülkemde. Hüdayi der geldi dünyanın sonu, Kabirde mi alsak artık soluğu, Karanlığa kızma sende yak mumu, Hizmetler çığ gibi bugün ülkemde. 29.08.2018//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ..................................................... IN MY COUNTRY... The incompetent have always been put to the head, Smarmy people took the post, Thief multiplied in the property of the state, Cheeky got a job in my country. My villages were emptied, the plateaus remained, Wolves haunted the stray herd, Armenian PKK was full of guns, Our neighbor Israel is in my country today. Adultery is not a crime in my country anymore Free pork meat in the butcher showcase, Without knowing Muslim children on the ground, Plan jobs without religion are in my country today. The dialogue of religions is not over yet, Fetö’s plan did not backfire, Imam and priests joined together, The dollar prevailed in my country. The broken economy will not fall, its fever, The hog of Trump’s underworld, all of my troops against Turkey, Traitors do not stand idly in my country today. The boy and his daughter were fed with mischief, The young and old filled the beach, No underpants, all naked, They spoiled my generation in my country. Religious Teacher is broken, He set traps to the nation from the rostrum, Teachers without a sect appeared on the screen, Religion is strange today in my country. Hüdayi says the end of the world has come, Should we take the breath in the grave now? Don’t be angry with the dark, you light the candle Services are like an avalanche in my country today. 29.08.2018 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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