YAŞLI HRİSTİYANA HÜRMET..Hz.Ali yürüyorlar,sabahta cemaate, Bir mübarek seherde,O kutlu Medinede, Gördü yaşlıca adam,yürüyordu önünde, Hürmet ederek ona,geçmedi bir an bile. Güneş doğmak üzere,yaklaştılar mescide, Yaşlı bu hristiyan,girmedi içeriye, Mihrapta Resulullah,varmıştılar rukuya, Uzattılar rukuyu,güneş dayandı arza. Bitirdiler namazı,sual etti eshabı, Uzattınız rukuyu,nedir bunun cevabı, Buyurdu Hak Peygamber,ben rukuya varınca, Cibril geldiler anda,bastırdı omuzuma. Ey Allahın Resulu nedir bunun hikmeti, Buyurdu Resulullah,sormadım sebebini, Geldi Cebrail anda,verdiler cevabını, Ey Allahın Resulu,diye söze başladı. Geliyordu Hz.Ali,yürüyerek mescide, Yaşlıya hürmet edip,geçmediler önüne, Gönderdi Hak Teala,beklettiler rukuda, Ali gelene kadar,bastırdım kanadımla. Dedi buna şaşırma,şaşılacak şey şuydu, Mikail kanadıyla,güneşi de durdurdu, Yaşlıya hürmettendi,kazanılan derece, Yaşlı ana babaya,bakan girer cennete. Bakar Allah Teala,yaşlı kulun yüzüne, Sabah akşam her defa,buyururlar şöylece, İleri kulum yaşın,cildin yüzün kırıştı, Kemiklerin inceldi,ölüm vaktin yaklaştı. Geleceksin elbette,yaklaştı ecel vaktin, Benden kork ve sakın,ölüm herşeyden yakın, Sarıl sen ibadete,uzaklaş günahlardan, Ediyorum haya ben,seni ateşe atmaktan. 09.02.2017//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN ................................................. HÜRMET TO THE ELDERLY CHRISTIAN .. Hazrat Ali is walking, to the congregation in the morning, In a blessed day, in that blessed Madina, The old man saw, walking in front of him, Respecting him, not even a moment passed. The sun is about to rise, they approached the mosque, This old Christian did not enter, At the mihrab, the Messenger of Allah arrived, They stretched the ruku, the sun reached the earth. They finished the prayer, he asked the eshabi, You stretched the rukuyu, what is the answer to this, The Prophet said, when I came to ruku, As soon as Jibril came, he pressed my shoulder. O Messenger of Allah, what is the wisdom of this, The Messenger of Allah said, I did not ask why, When Gabriel came, they gave the answer, O Messenger of Allah, he began to speak. Hazrat Ali was coming, walking to the mosque, They did not show respect to the old, He sent Hak Teala, they made him wait, Until Ali came, I pressed it with my wing. She said don’t be surprised, the wonder was this, With the wing of Michael, he also stopped the sun, It was respect for the old, the degree earned, To old parents, the minister enters paradise. Allah looks at the face of the old servant, Every time in the morning and evening, they welcome like this, My advanced servant, your age, your skin, your face are wrinkled, Your bones have become thinner, your time to die is near. Of course you will come, the time of death has approached, Fear me and beware, death is closer to everything, Hug the worship, get away from the sins, I’m just life, throwing you into the fire. 09.02.2017 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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