VARMIŞ BURADA...Bu aleme gelen birgün gidiyor, Kimi uzun kimi kısa burada, Herkes sevdiğine veda ediyor, Kimi zengin kimi fakir burada. Şu yalan dünyaya kimler gelmemiş, Ecdad tarih yazmış Anadoluda, Nice ozan türkü ağıtlar yakmış, Yunusla Mevlana varmış burada. Nice hükümdarlar geçmişler tahta, Timur’la Beyazıt var Ankara’da, Padişahlar yaşamışlar sarayda, Fatih’le Kanuni varmış burada. Ekin bitmez imiş önce çöllerde, Ağaçla kaplıymış eski devirde, Sincaplar düşmezmiş ağaçtan yere, Güçlü çam ormanı varmış burada. Alimler var imiş ağzı Kur’anlı, Mollalar hafızlar dinli imanlı, Feda etmiş onlar vatana canı, Ulubatlı Hasan varmış burada. Osmanlı at oynatmış üç kıtada, Yavuzla S.Hamid varmış burada, Donatmış camiyle cümle cihanı, Mimar Sinan usta varmış burada. İmanlı kadısı dinli imanlı, Korkar hepsi Haktan varmış burada, Nam salmışlar adaletle cihana, Gürani Fenari varmış burada. Gittiler cümlesi geçip buradan, Kötüler hakimdir artık burada, İyiler cennete vardılar çoktan, Şerliler sultandır artık burada. 08.05.2016//KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN .............................................. THERE IS HERE ... Coming into this realm goes one day, Some are tall, some are short here, Everyone says goodbye to their loved ones Some rich and some poor here. Who did not come to this fake world, Ancestors made history in Anatolia, Many bards have lamented folk songs, Yunus and Mevlana are here. Many rulers past the throne, There is Beyazıt with Timur in Ankara, Sultans lived in the palace, There were Fatih and Kanuni here. The crops were endless first in the deserts, It was covered with trees in the old age, Squirrels don’t fall from tree to ground, There was a strong pine forest here. There were scholars with the mouth of the Quran, Mullahs hafizes are devout believers, They sacrificed the life of the fatherland, There was Hasan from Ulubat here. On three continents where the Ottoman horse rides, Yavuzla S. Hamid is here, The world of sentence with its equipped mosque, There was a master Mimar Sinan here. The faithful woman is the believer, They are afraid of all right here, They are famous for justice and the world, Gürani Fenari is here. They went past the sentence, The wicked are here now, The good have already come to heaven, Şerililer is now the sultan here. 08.05.2016 // KIRIKKALE HİDAYET DOĞAN |
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