





Bi Cümle


Light and Darkness

Light and Darkness

Hands ’s limits are soft and bizarre.
The fingers are free as much as sky
Following the traces of thee
I did meet a magnolia tree,
Se was telling me stories and singing in the rain..
The river song, that everbody knew,made a line between moon and shadow and I began to pray... surprisingly it made me deal with life in an instant, like a star...
There stands the dark, there stands the evil,there stands the mirror,and a native flower..
A blue purple also had told me about the lifetime of a birdtree, then a dream was standing in front of me,
A mirror showing my life as my territory... !
The god of my heart was singing as those were passing by me..
I thought I was a sculpture made of wood and fire, with leaves of an old and golden try...
I felt myself free and had already dedicated my breathe and soul to moonshadows of light as if I was a lemon cry.
When there would have been leaves, when there were no trees...
Wish I was dead but still alive!

I will be singing like blue birds, birds on the branches of my daddy and the mummy magnolia trees...
At least there will be birds I thought;there will be laughter as well as a cluster of waves,coming and going,sleeping under my skin,like knifes of knights
... singing near the ocean and
above the sky,
I was playing a noname play
I was playing with my baby toy...
like praying for myself with joy
For the wellness of my fallings
There stand the little hands of me, there stands the sound of me, asking me about whether I Will be FREE... .

Having known that, the nature knows everything, including the goodness and the badness, as the Goddesses know, every part of the moments...
I would have no fears, no tears one Day...
There will only be shadows and the lemon- like sun, warning up the sky, skies, and the blue flies
Here Will be death and love, there Will be life, a dream at least...
I will be a star in the sky, that could be seen only in the laughter of your desert like voice
I will be hanging over the rain like smoke...
Cause light does not come from light, somebody said with the beloved heart and soul...
Cause light does not come from light,..
Whispered again, gambled again and I loose... !
He does know light comes from darkness...
I will be the mermaid light of the oceans of the sky...
With my blue heart, blue heart...
Perhaps in or out of my graveyard...

17 Aðustos 2020_ sinope 🍀🌿🌷🌷.... Sitare


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